4.Never have I ever

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Hesitation is just like a wrapper,you need to peel it down if you desire to feast on the creamy chocolates or any other stuff inside.I was all ready to peel away my wrapper.I knew if I had to stay here,I will have to work on Darwin's profound Natural Selection theory.

Meera and Kabir occupied the back seats leaving just one open sitting option available.I had to sit beside him.I just convinced myself it's normal to face anxiety around new strangers,well they were not exactly strangers but yet a snobbish part of me yelled 'who are you fooling around,yourself?'I knew this instant-inbuilt anxiety was just because of a guy who stepped inside the driving seat.

"Anika,just buckle up your seat belt,"Meera warned me with an amused grin.

I knew by now that it wasn't possible to drive beyond twenty on busy Mumbai streets.I just did as she said but soon I realised the reason behind her warning.He knew certain shortcuts and unfortunately those roads were steep and uneven.

"Are we celebrating something?"I asked.

"Kabir was asked to be a brand ambassador of a certain headphone.Apparently they are new in the businesses and were looking for a fresh face. "Meera said.The delight on her face was hard to not notice.She was overjoyed over the prospect of her boyfriend appearing on posters and television.


"Thanks.It's not that big a deal.They are just a startup company."He said trying to diffuse the attention.

"Don't forget that brands such as Sony, Bose were startups once.It's all about the knack of knowing where to invest.Great things often flourish from miniscule investments."Shivaay said.

"Words of wisdom.My fellow devotees gather around and grab the pearls of wisdom offered my the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi."Meera said.

Everyone including Shivaay burst out laughing.

After another twenty minutes of journey we reached a local pub.The parking lot was spacious.Once the car was parked,we walked out.Pub was elegant and had an open bar at the corner.It wasn't filled with people but there were enough for making a good business.I had to be careful with my steps so as to not tumble down the stairs.The DJ lightning was the only available source to recognise faces.It was a silent disco where you swirl your hips to music on wireless headphones.

We walked inside the dine-in area,occupying a table of four.Shivaay and Kabir got up to buy us some drinks.

"Are you sure I am not intruding your celebrations?"I asked Meera.

"No.Me and Kabir decided to dine out and then we saw Shivaay in the basement. We got around talking and then we decided to hang out since it had been a long time we three had fun.Moreover it was Shivaay who suggested that I invite you too.I was beyond delighted to have you over."

After a few drinks and appetizers,Kabir and Meera pulled us out of our seats to the dance floor.I was really anxious as dancing wasn't one of my talents and I was afraid about stepping on others toes.
I was taken aback when a pair of hands brushed across my hair.I peeped over my shoulders to notice it was none other than Shivaay."You will do just great,trust me,"he whispered against my ears sending a cold shrill down my spine.He placed a headphone on top of my head,adjusting it.

He tucked my hairs aside,dropping it down behind my ear.He had his headphones on already.I was swaying my hips to the beat and so did he.At times our hands brushed each other.It was just magical.


I was exhausted and my hands and legs restrained from moving.Probably Shivaay noticed my clumsy moves and taking it as a cue he asked"Hey,wanna grab a drink?"

"Yeah,"I voiced out removing the headphones.It seemed difficult to move out of such a huge crowd.Shivaay slid his arm around my waist protectively earning a gasp or more like a surprise squeal from me.He didn't notice much.

As we walked ahead,a few people greeted Shivaay with a smile as they were busy dancing.We paced towards the open bar.He grabbed hold of a stool as I climbed over.Quite chivalrous,I see.

He sat on a stool beside me,close enough.Is he aware of the sparks he ignites around people or around me,sinful.I could spot Meera and Kabir dancing at a distance.They made a fine couple.

"Two tequila's,"he ordered with his gaze fixed at me.He is making me nervous.

"You look gorgeous,"he said.I was not expecting him to say anything at all.My cheeks went all crimson red.

"You aren't bad either,"I replied with a smirk,trying my best to stop blushing.

"Hmm,"he nodded as he looked amused.He bent over to grab the tequila's and his muscular arms flexed racing my heart beats.Don't tell me we are gonna end up flirting after a bunch of drinks like in every other cliché romance novels.Staying in New York doesn't make me a blizzard hippo.

I gulped down the entire tequila in a go, making a wierd face.This what happens if you drink after a huge time after.He snickered again as he noticed me making a weird face.He drank it with ease,was it by any chance a coffee he was drinking?

"You seem to have a low tolerance,"he spoke.

"No,I don't,"I replied being offended.I was offended but was there anything to be offended?

He tilted his head a little,raising one of his eyebrows at suspicion.

"Fine,yes,"I surrendered raising both my arms up.He chuckled out of amusement.

After a narrow span of awkward silence he spoke"Let's play 'Never have I ever.'Its a game where you need to mention a stuff you have-"

"-not done and the person who has,need to booze,"I completed.He nodded in approval like a puppy.

"An orange juice and a beer bottle,"he ordered before we start the game.

"Ladies first,"he offered.These guys know exactly when to use this cliché sentence.

"Never have I Ever-went into the wrong restroom,"I said and to my surprise he took a sip of his bear.

"Tell me all about it,"I asked,interested.

"Well I had accidentally been to ladies washroom despite the fact that all the girls there seemed cool with it,"he answered with snide smile.LIAR!He would have definitely embarrassed himself and not to mention the disgusting looks and stares he would have received.

"My turn.Never have I ever walked around with my zipper down,"he spoke.

"Liar,your zip is down now,"I lied.His gaze suddenly dropped down to his pant zip.His face was worth watching.I burst out laughing to be later joined by him.

"Never have I ever been on a blind date,"I offered.He didn't sip his bear.

"Never have I ever dated more than one person at a time,"he spoke.My heart just sank,he had girlfriend's before or does he have one now?

We moved on,it was my turn"Never have I ever missed a movie of Ryan Gosling."

He raised his hand up in air for a hifi.We have something in common.Probably I can ask him out on a Ryan Gosling movie.

"Never have I ever found a cure for hangovers,"he admitted.I just took a sip of my orange juice while he stared at me in surprise.

"Don't worry Robin Hood,I will share the cure recipe with you,"I snickered this time.

After another series of rounds,Kabir and Meera joined us.Meera decided to stay at Kabir's place for tonight so they stayed behind waiting for their cab to arrive.

Hope you enjoyed....

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P.S-Your turn guys.Never have I ever-

C'mon let's play!

Till then,XOXO

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