Chapter 6

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16 Weeks

"Wow" Harry breathes as we finally make it out of the dark room. "That was just, wow" He shakes his head.

"It's a game changer, eh?" I grin. "I just need to make another appointment" I nod towards reception.

"Ok. I think I'm going to head out. I seem to be attracting some unwanted attention" Harry sighs quietly, raising his eyebrows as I glance behind him and see people in the waiting room glancing his way.

"Oh, ok" My stomach lurches. I didn't want him to leave just yet. There's so much we need to talk about, plans to be made and I really want to ask him how he feels after the scan but I know I can't bombard him with shit when he's known about this for less than 24 hours.

"I'll bring my car around and get you at the front door, Okay?" He asks and my heart soars realising this isn't goodbye.

"Yeah sure. I shouldn't be long" I smile and he disappears out the door before anymore people get curious. I quickly make an appointment for my 20 week scan and just hope Harry can make it.

When I find my way back out of the main entrance I see a sleek black Maserati idling at the drop off point. I assume it's him because it's the only car waiting and it's the most expensive looking car I've ever seen but the windows are so darkly tinted it could really be anyone. As I approach the window descends and I see Harry grinning at my aprehensive expression.

"Sorry" He calls out of the window. "I realised you might not be able to see in" He laughs as I eventually get to the window.

"Nice car" I smirk as I drop myself ungraciously into the leather bucket seats.

"Thanks" He shrugs modestly. "Gets me from A to B I guess" He laughs.

I'm surprised as he doesn't immediately put it into drive, instead he shifts in his seat to look at me.

"I feel like we should go somewhere. To talk" He clarifies.

"Probably" I agree, folding my hands in my lap "but I don't want to overwhelm you"

"I appreciate that" Harry smiles at me. "But I can't hide from this and there's stuff we need to discuss."

Those words make my stomach drop. What is it about someone saying they needed to talk to me that turns me into a ball of anxiety.

"Ok, my place or yours?" I ask

"Yours?" He asks. "We all know what happened the first time we went to mine" The dirty smirk on his face is unexpected. I assumed that the second he found out I was pregnant, that night together would become his biggest regret. But here he is making a joke about it, putting my anxiety at ease for a mere second.

"Does it do one-eighty-five?" I ask absentmindedly as Harry pulls away from the hospital and I direct Harry back to my flat.

"Hmmmm?" He asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Your Maserati, does it to one-eighty-five?"

Harry glances at me, I watch as a smirk plays at the corner of his lips. He nods before looking back at the road.

"I lost my license, now I don't drive"

I laugh, relief flooding me that he gets my joke.

"You should get a limo" I suggest as his eyes dart back to me.

"I do, I lock the doors incase I'm attacked"

I snort with laughter.

"I didn't have you pegged as a Joe Walsh fan" He smiles, his eyes darting back to the road.

Hold My GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang