Chapter 27

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My first kiss was a clumsy affair. It wasn't anything special. A wet smooch behind the P.E block between classes in my first year at high school. The boys name was Connor and I had crushed on him for ages. I think, through childhood gossip, he had been told I liked him, so when walking between classes he pulled me behind the building and kissed me. It was strange and I don't remember very many details. His lips were on mine, there were tongues involved and it was over. Then he never spoke to me again. Nothing to write home about.

I didn't kiss another boy for a long time after that. Until I was almost 16. His name was Jason Duncan. That was another messy affair at a school disco. Never to be repeated.

I then had a few boyfriends through high school, after high school I began dating. A few idiots, a few decent guys then 2 serious boyfriends through university.

But none of those kisses compared to Harry Styles. Not one of those kisses made me feel the way Harry does right now.

It was as if he consumed me. I could concentrate on nothing but him. The feel of him. His hands as the moved across my waist and round my back. His hard, muscular body pressed against me. The smell of his dark, woodsy cologne. The sound of his mouth moving against mine and the sound of his soft groans were all I could hear.

It was as if someone had lit me on fire from within. Like someone had set fire to my soul. I craved him so badly. Every touch wasn't enough, every kiss wasn't enough, I wanted more. I needed more.

My fingers caressed the hair at the bottom of his neck as he held my tight to his body. His growing hard-on becoming more and more apparent. All it did was spur me on to push myself closer to him. Like I couldn't get close enough.

I almost forgot we were standing in the middle of the street till his kisses softened and I heard footsteps approaching. We both stilled. Unable to pull away from each other just yet. I opened my eyes to see Harry watching me, the heat in his eyes made me gasp. But he looked wary. Like he wasn't sure how to react to our outburst. The footsteps grew louder until a shadow passed us and they began to retreat. Whoever it was wasn't paying any attention to us. To any passer by we probably looked like two horny adults that couldn't keep their hands of each other. To an extent we were. But we were also so much more.

"We should get back" Harry whispered, those green eyes still fixed on me his breathing slowly going back to normal.

I nodded unable to find my voice. He was gentle as he loosened his grip on me, to stand me up straight. Ever the gentleman, he opened the passenger door to allow me in to the car.

"Soo..." He started before turning on the ignition and pulling out into the empty street.

I couldn't help but notice how perfect his lips looked when they were slightly pinker and puffier than usual. Instinctively my hand went to my own lips. They felt bruised from Harry's assault. And suddenly I missed the feel of his lips on mine.

"Soo.." I repeat, slightly mocking his awkward conversation starter. "Can we go for a McDonalds?"

"You want a McDonald's?" He glances over, a smile creeping over his face.

"I've not had one in ages and it's still early. Seems a waste to go back to normality just yet"

"I could take you anywhere in the world, you could eat in any of the best restaurants London has to offer... and you just want a McDonalds?"

I shrug casually and pout. "I'm craving a double cheeseburger"

"Craving? You're not pregnant again are you?" His eyes alight with mirth.

"We'd need to have sex again for that to happen, Harry"

His eyes shoot to me before turning back to the road.

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