Chapter 36

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I wake the next morning, just before Harry does. His hand is on my hip, possessive even in his sleep and I smile at that as his eyes flicker open. I also smile at the view, given that a soft, white sheet is only covering his lower half, leaving the rest of him—bare, tan, flawless—on glorious display. The bronzed skin over his chest and abs sparkles in the early morning sun pouring in through the large glass windows. The white gauzy curtain, in front of the open window, billows in the breeze blowing in from the sea.

"Good morning" Harry smiles sleepily. That dimple of his appears. I want to make love to him based on that dimple alone. His hand tightens on my hip, before his hand skates round to my back and pulls me closer to him. I think he's going to give me a kiss, instead he nestles his head into my hair and inhales deeply.

"You smell like the sea" He sighs contently

"That's because we spent so long in it yesterday"

We spent hours playing in the sea yesterday. Avery, after a little convincing, loved it. The waves lapping at her chubby little thighs as we played in the surf for hours, searching for pretty shells and splashing until the sun began to fall.

"So much fresh air explains why she's still asleep" I think out loud as I glance over at her cot in the corner of the room.

"Long may it continue" He yawns as he extracts himself from me and leans over to collect his phone from the dark wooden bedside chest. He tuts loudly as he swipes open his phone.

"What times is it in the UK?" He asks as he starts typing furiously on his phone.

"Ummm, like 6AM? How come? Everything all right?" I sit up against the fluffy white pillows.

"I missed a call from my agent last night. She'll probably be in the office already" He pulls the covers off and creeps out on to the balcony in an effort not to wake Avery. He pulls the glass door closed quietly behind him. I watch as he paces the large, decked balcony, his phone still pressed almost to his nose. He finally dials a number and holds the phone to his ear. I watch for a moment. His black boxers are sitting low on his hips and he looks mouth wateringly good.

I force myself out of bed to give him a little privacy, I tiptoe by Avery's cot, watching for a moment as she sighs in her sleep, pulling her bunny closer to her chest. I quickly tiptoe away, hoping I've not disturbed her, as much as I love her being awake, I'd really like to have a hot cup of tea and eat my breakfast in peace without having to share it with her.

I switch the coffee pot on and pull out two bowls from the cupboard to pour some cereal for Harry and I. Our waterside apartment is basic and luxurious in equal measures. The furniture and decor is exquisite. The sofa is the softest leather I've ever felt. The art work on the the walls are radiant and the furniture is made from the thickest mahogany but other than the furniture the apartment doesn't contain much. There is no television in the whole place, the fanciest accessory in the kitchen is this basic coffee percolator and there is zero wi-fi and I've really enjoyed it. Switching off from the outside world and concentrating on the things that really matter. Avery and Harry.

I jump as Harry throws his phone on the couch and drops to the couch face first.

"What's wrong?" I ask slightly alarmed as I carry the two bowls of granola over to the couch. I place them both on the large square coffee table in the middle of the room and kneel beside the sofa. Harry's head is face down on a cushion and his long limbs take up the majority of the couch, one arm is squashed between his body and the back of the sofa while the other is thrown haphazardly off the edge, his hand resting on the floor beside my knees.

"Heyyy" I coax as I run my fingers through his hair. "What is it?"

Slowly he turns his head to look at me. His hair flops over his forehead and he attempts to blow it out of his eyes but the defiant locks just flop back down. I brush the hair back on to his head before I let me fingers trail down his cheek.

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