Chapter 34

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After 3 consecutive nights at London's o2 Arena Harry's gruelling European tour was finally over. Which could only mean one thing: HOLIDAY!

"Oh god" I gasped as I followed Harry's broad shoulders. I was almost walking up his heels because although Avery wanted her Daddy to carry her she still wanted to hold my hand over his shoulder. So here I was walking as close as I could to Harry just so she could have both parents wrapped around her little finger. Strange little kid. She melted my heart.

"Not quite my private jet but it'll do, ay?" Harry smirked over his shoulder as we made our way onto the aeroplane.

"Show off" I rolled my eyes, running my thumb across Avery's tiny, soft knuckles, resting on Harry's shoulder.

"This is you here" The flight attendant smiled her Harry smile. I had began commonly referring to this kind of smile as a Harry smile. It was a smile that people brought out only when they were speaking to Harry Styles. It was their super fake, super cheesy, best smile they could manage. I assume it happened to most famous faces. People brought out their "best" personalities for someone with influence. Usually it was pretty smarmy and gave me the creeps but instead of getting pissed off by it and the way people treated Harry I decided to make fun of it.

"Thank you so much" I smiled opening my eyes as wide as possible and showing as many teeth. I heard Harry snigger as the attendant smiled oblivious to my matching fakery and headed back to the front of the plane.

"Play nice" He admonished sitting Avery down on his seat. She immediately started whining and reached up to Harry, her way of requesting to be picked back up.

"You'll make a rod for your own back if you keep spoiling her" I commented as I unloaded my back pack on to my seat which sat adjacent to Harry's. Our seats were separated by a little crib for Avery. I pulled my light cardigan back over my shoulders. It seemed in first class they kept the plane that awkward temperature that was just below comfortable.

Harry looked at me and frowned as he swung Avery on to his hip in defiance and started emptying the necessities out of his bag one handed.

I rose my eyebrows and shrugged. "You won't be saying that when she's 3 and won't walk the length of herself cause she likes it better when Daddy carries her" I mocked putting on a baby voice and wiggling my face in Avery's to make her laugh.

"You're just jealous she wants me to carry her and not you" Harry grinned setting out his phone and his MacBook while I put a blanket, some soft rattles, and her favourite bunny in Avery's cot, then started decanting my stuff from my bag.

I had never been on a plane like this before. Any time I'd flown with Harry had been on his jet. This long haul flight to the Maldives was too long and problematic to take the jet so we were slumming it with the common folk and flying first class on the biggest plane I'd ever seen. The inside was as much like a hotel as Harry's jet with low lighting and plush grey carpets. This one was at least laid out like a normal plane. There were 3 rows of seats... kind of. Each seat was contained in a pod of 2 seats with both seats facing each other. There were privacy screens separating each pod and each pod came equipped with blankets, slippers, neck pillows and charging ports for all kinds of electrical equipment. That didn't include the bar and cafe situated at the back of the plane. In was like a mini hotel on here.

And despite how much I'd been exposed to it I still didn't like it. I couldn't understand why because I'd fallen pregnant by Harry Styles I had to be treated like I was something important. It rubbed me up the wrong way that just because there was money involved, albeit not mine, that I had to be treated like I was more special than Joe Bloggs on the Easy Jet flight taking off 5 minutes earlier.

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