All I Need is Company

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"What was dripping?"










"Stop it"













Was it gone?


"Stop it!"

stop it

stop it

stop it

stop it





"It hurts"

it hurts

it hurts

it hurts

"Mister Stark?"



"...don't-don't go"







"Oh, I see you're finally wake again....Mister Parker. Didn't like that punishment that much did you? That's one we will have to do again then, isn't it?"


"Tony, wait." He rushed down the hall after Stark. "No can do Capsical, I have a Peter to get." "I know Tony, but can you stop for just a minute-" "I told you Steve I-" Tony!" Steve caught up with him and furmly grabbed his wrist. "Aren't you gonna tell the rest on the team where he is?" Steve gestered to the rest of the team, who was standing in the doorway entering the hall, with his free hand. "Just...follow me, okay?" Tony yanked his write out of Steves grasp and began again. "J.A.R.V.I.S, get my suit." "Yes sir." was the blank repliy he receved from the androd. He entered his office to find his "suit-case" on the table. A faint smile wiped onto his face, he was going to get his Peter back.


"I have to go after him." Tony said into their intercoms as he flew out of the building. "Steve, we don't even know where the fuck he is going. How are you supose to follow him?" "We all know I have my ways Natahsa." Steve smiled lightly and headed to the front door of the head cortereds. When he stepped onto the street, he knew something was immedialtey wrong. A noise boomed above him and he began to look up...Stark. He headed down the road, tailing Tony from the ground. He turned, Steve turned. He sped up, Steve sped up. Tony was just coasting along the skys. They headed to the edge of the road, turning once more before Tony sped acrossed the clouds over the water. Steve stopped on the brime of the road. Slowly, he looked down to a a mighty statue in front of him. "The Statue of Liberty, huh." he smurked and nodded, turning around. "OKay well I guess I should get back to the con-" he was hit, with a bullet. He looked at his arm holding his shelid, as if he was shocked that he had be a target in the first place. "What the-" he was another bullet. Landing on his knees, he dropped his shelid to the side. Steve closed his eyes...listening. They shot open, and with a flick of his wrist, he picked up his shelid and threw it at two of the men in the shades, Three others from behind attacked him with tazers. He was being ambushed. Steve turned around, only to get shot by two others behind him. He fell to the ground. He felt cuffs being put onto him from behind. "Let go of me or-" "Or what Captain? Your gonna break out of these chains ans wipe ours asses. I would love to see you try." He was being lifted now, to his heavey feet. Now that he was of the ground, Steve then noticed that two of the six were human ultrons. He was shoved and pushed into a van, the kidnappers filled in after. "You know, Peter had told me that you were a fighter. To be honest, I thought you would put up more of a fight." Peter. This man had Peter....and know him. "What have you done with him?" "Oh, you'll soon find out. But you'll forget soon enough. Guards, hop to." The two human ultrons shocked him in each of his sides. The Captain scream out in pain, but soon didn't feel any as he went into the lovely world of unconsusness.

Steve opened his eyes, they felt heavey. Weakly, he lifted his head to glance at where he was. He finally saw the chains that the ultrons had put on him early. Early? how long had he been here. With help of the wall, Steve stood up and walked forward...only to be yanked back down to the floor. He hit his head on the hard wall, causeing him to groan in pain. "Shit" he hear a faint laugh. "Langue Mister Rogers. That's what you always tell us." Steve's breath hiched. "Peter?" "...yeah, how ya been Steve?" Steve let out a little chuckle and closed his eyes. "Well Peter, I guess were in this together now, aren't we." "We sure are now. That's okay though," Steve opened his eyes and looked straight into the darkness, he knew Peter was there. "All I needed was some company."
Im sooooo sorry it took so long to update. I Know this is bad probaly, if not leave a comment please, but where i am it's 1:00 am and i have nothing to do so. enjoys this loves! the next chapter you will learn about What Peter was tortched with. just saying so stay tuned.

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