Three Peas In a Pod

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Tony quickly flew across the bay towards the Statue of Liberty with excitement. It has been almost a full week of darkness and dispare for Peter himself, let alone what him and the other teamates were feeling about this. It was hard...not being there with Peter. His physical absances has left Tony with a hole in is heart and replaced it with a dark cloud over his head. His kid.....why did it have to be his kid? Tony let out an stranggled and angered yell has flew closer to the Statue of Liberty, speeding up. Time could not go by any slower.

"Tony? Tony you there?"

Tony put his hand up to his helmet where his ear would be at the incoming call.

"Hey Nate I'm almost there...can't you believe we're gonna have our Peter back soon?" he said with a smile beginning to beem on his face.

" need to come back to the tower"

"Nate I'm almost there what do you mean-"

"It's Steve" Nate said cutting him off.

Tony took a troubled breath and closed his eyes. Steve? what could be so possibly important that him, Tony Stark, would have to come back to the tower and risk who knows how long away from saving Peter? Tony began to fill with rage as he though of the fact of leaving Peter with the man thats been torchering him for another minute.

"His missing" Nate stated, as if reading Tony's mind.

"What do you mean he's missing? he's a grow man, he's probably just somewhere in the tower Nate I-"

"Tony," Nate sighed. "Steve went after you when you left for Peter and he hasn't come-"

"wait," Tony said, cutting her off from her sentence. "He actually listened to me when I told him to follow my lead?"

"No shit he did....for Peter." Tony swallowed and breathed out his nose.
"And now it's been thrity minutes and if you're almost there and we haven't heard from Steve then there has to be an explantion because-"

"Natasha," Tony started, using her full name. "You need to calm down," He though in his head of what to say next. He wasn't usually the one on this end of the talk. "If Steve was following me, and I'm going to the Statue of Liberty, the way I'm going he would have to stop before the bay. Meaning-"

"He would have to have gone missing before the bay started"

"Or he couldn't go further then the bay." Tony said, beginning to think of all the possibilities and what if's of what could of happened.

Nate breathed heavy into the phone. "I'm just.....with Peter gone and the teams been on edge I just... I just don't really think we can take anymore people disappearing or gettig hurt-"

"Listen Nate, we're gonna find him...both if them. Steve, he can handle himself, but Peter," he took in a sharp breath of anxiousness. "he won't last much longer Nate, and-and I gotta get to him before something else does. Im sorry but he is my first priority."

'But Tony-"

"I gotta go Nate, I'll look for Steve when I have Peter"

Tony hung up the phone and J.A.R.V.I.S rang in his helmet "call disconnected" as Tony's eyes focused on his target ahead...The Statue of Liberty.


"Until next time captain." Was the last thing Steve heard before blacking out.......

His ears began to ring as Steve slowly woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and his vision blurred together. His sucked in a deep breath, only to be stranggled half way through by feeling a tight pull in his chest. Looking down, he say he was sitting in a chair, ropes tied tightly arounf his torso and chest. His legs and feet were shackled to the legs of the chair and his arms were cuffed behind the back of the chair. Steve yanked his arms in an attempt to break free when a deep voice sounded next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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