The Pain

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*flash back to Phone Call~Please Don't Go*

Man: Oh you're really gonna get it now

Peter: n-no please, I-I can't take much more of-

Man: Tell your friends good by Spiderboy, because it is the last time your going to talk to them

Peter: You can't kill me, you even said so!

Man: Oh, but I can get real close

Tony: If you touch Peter, be prepared to died

Man: Don't worry, I'm not touching him, the rope is

Peter: Not the rope, not again, *sobs* please

Tony: Kid, we will be there soon, then you'll be safe...with me and the rest of us

Peter: Please *sobs* don't hang *sniffs* up

Tony: We won't oka-

Peter: Mr. Stark?


"Mr. Stark?" Peter said, fear wavering in his voice. Before Mr. Stark could answer, a loud crack of a whip filled Peter's ears. Peter felt a sharp, hot pain on the lower part of his back, causing him to scream out in pain and drop his phone. It bounced off the concret floor, his screen cracking in the process. Finally his phone laid on the floor, the cracked screen facing up towards Peter. "Call Disconnected" his phone rang out as the screen went dark. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Peter yelled as he brought his shaking hands up to his face. "That's going to be exspensive to replace." the man with the whip said while beginning to chuckle. Peter removed his hands from his face and looked at the man. "Go to hell you piece of shit." he spat out. He stopped chuckling. "what did you just say to me Spiderboy?" "Go. To. Hell." Peter said through gritted teeth. "Oh I won't go saying that. Remember who has the whip here boy." He said as he lifted the whip. "Now, do you wanna repeat that, or do you want to change your answer?"
Peter sucked on his inner cheek for a moment, then out can a large spit ball that landed right on the man's face. "Is that a good enough answer for you?" Peter said sarcasticly. He knew that what he was doing was going to lead to very painful punishment, but damn did it feel good now. "You know what?" the man said as he wiped the spit off of his face. "We're going to try something new today." he said, setting the whip down on a table next to him. then he began to walk out of the room. "Dont you go trying and go have fun while i'm gone." "Oh i'll try to contain myself." Peter shot back at him, but it was no use for he was already out of the room. "Good job Peter," Peter mumbled to himself. "What kind of shit did you get yourself into this time?"
" Some shit indeed." a voice responded. Peter glanced up from his feet, startled. "Peter Parker, my one and only mutant. I'm the boss' assistance, Dr. Curt Connors. Now I've heard you've done something worthy of greater punishment. Is this so?" "have I been a bad boy?" Peter said, bringing his hand up to his mouth as if to acted shocked. "now now now Mr. Parker, I wouldn't test me. You don't know what kind of power i actually have." "Try. Me."
" wow Peter," Curt Connors walked closer to Peter's face. " this is out of character for you, but if that's what you want," Dr. Connors turned away from Peter and, slowly, began to walk towards the table with the whip on it. "then so be it."


"Peter Parker, can you hear us? Mr Par-, -an you he-r us-,"
Peter came in and out, panic-ally looking around. The ringing in his ears made everything seem so surreal. He glance up toward the ceiling, then back at the wall. He was in a new room. The walls were brown and had deep slits in then, making him trip even more than he already was. finally, Peter looked at his feet. His feet had heavyweighted cuffs is on them. In a dizzy state, Peter tilted his head. Those weren't there before. He looked to his side and lifted up his arms. Longer heavyweighted cuffs draped over his arms. "what the hell?" Peter said to himself as he looked at the floor around him. Peter Parker, can you hear us?" boomed aloud again. Peter went to cover his ears, but found that the cuts would not allow him to reach them. He then tried to bend his legs, but he could barely even bend them before the cuffs restrained him. Peters breaths began to come out in strangled weezs. "" Peter said before falling backwards into a coughing fit.
"Peter Parker can you hear us?" Peters back arched at the words. "you're too loud." he said in a soft voice. "That is just the point," the same voice boomed over the speakers into the room."Hold on just a minute and I'll come and visit you." "No," Peter said to himself while rolling onto his side."You can just stay right there." Then the door opened."well hello there Peter. Do you like your new room?" Peter slowly began to sit, putting all of his weight into his arm. "not really" he mumbled. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" " not really" Peter looked up into dr. Connors eyes and glared. " oh Petey, wrong answer. Boys," then a sharp, high pitch note rang through the speakers, causing Peter hunch over in pain. His eyes squeezed shut while he strangled against his arm cuffs in an attempt to get his hands to his ears. When the noise went a pitch higher, he arched his back so far his head almost touched the ground.
      Peter screamed so loud, it almost blocked out a little bit of the high pitched torcher. "okay, that's enough" Connors said into his microphone around his neck. The painfully loud noise then vanished. Peters ears countine to ring as he slowly opened his eyes and at up again. "so the powerful Spiderman isn't as power as we thought huh?" Peter looked away, his ears still ringing. " you see Peter, this room is called the sound room," he said while jesterling at the walls of the room. "this room was made just for you. Since we know everything about you, we know that sound hurts you greatly. And our whole point of kidnapping you is to learn more about Tony Stark, but since your so loyal to him, our second point is hurt you as worst as possible. Plus, you my friend still have a lesson to learn from acting like an asshole to me. Understand?" Peter didn't respond. " okay then. Well then I will see you tomorrow night. Boys, you know what to do." dr Connors said while exiting the room "wait tomorrow night! No! You can't do that!" " bye Peter." Connors responded while the door shut behind him.
    It started off with loud noises. So painful Peters ears bled. His back arched at a painful angle and throat burned from his constant screaming. Agony ran through his bones and laid on his side in defeat. Then the noises stopped. There was a ringing so loud in Peters ears he thought you could hear it for miles. Just when be thought it was over. Drip drip drip......drip drip drip.....drip drip drip. " what the hell?" Peter said to himself. And the dripping never stopped. Ever time it dripped, Peter lost a little bit more of his sanity. Drip drip drip. Drip drip drip until the only thing in his head he could think was water dripping. Peter rocked back and forth on his knees. Drip drip drip. All night long. Drip drip drip " if only me stark could see him, huh dr. Connors?" "oh we won't have to wait much long for that."

Drip drip drip


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