Back to Where we Were

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"A little company huh?" Steve said with a chuckle.
"Well then kid..."
"You don't need to finish that Mr. Rogers. Just because I want company doesn't mean we need to talk." You could hear the smirk on Peter's face. A light laugh came with it.
"Listen Peter, just because you have been hanging out with Tony doesn't mean you need to gain his smart mouth. I don't-"
"Oh calm down old man, I haven't had a real conversation with someone in...Mr. Rogers how long have I been gone?" There was a weary tone in Peter's voice.
Steve sighed. He could hear Peter's chains clank around on the floor as he repositioned himself to a comfier position.
"...Mr. Rog-"
"I heard you kid, I heard you......You have been missing for about a week now."
There was silent for a couple of minutes before Steve heard a quite sob that Peter tried to choke down.
"You're joking right" Peter responded and sniffled while also laughing it off. Although he couldn't see Peter, Steve could tell that he wiped his nose with his hand. It's just a kid thing.
"Peter I wish I was joking but-"
"Is this all one big joke to you Mr. Rogers? huh?"
Steve heard a sharp inhale and a couple of poorly hide sobs.
"Peter listen, you're just being-"
"I'm just being what. Say already Steve. I'm being WEAK. I know you've always thought that."
More sobs came out of Peter, sounding more strangled and stronger than before.
"No Peter you're not-"
"IM WEAK I KNOW," Peter was yelling now, the most anger and sadness Steve has even heard from his voice ever. So much so that Steve leaned backwards as if to brace himself, but he didn't go anywhere because of the wall.
"IM WEAK....IM WEAK....IM SUCH A FUCKING....," Peter took a strangled breath. "weakling." tears were pouring down Peter's face, his eyes red.
"I'm ....weak." Peter inhaled deeply.
"I'm weak and I'm a loser I'm just-"
"Peter stop. You're not wea-"
Steve heard Peter's chains rattle when he, assumingly,  aggressively pointed at himself. He huffed and paused for a minute while a few tears ran down his check.
"Yes...yes I am Mr. Rogers. It hasn't even been one fucking week and I.....and I-" a loud sob came out of Peter's mouth.
"Peter your not weak. You're going to give yourself a panic attack.-"
"I'm fucking broken Steve! It hasn't even been a whole week and....and I couldn't even hold myself up for a week." Peter sighed as another tear rolled down off his chin. "Not even a week. Wow. I bet Mr. Stark would be proud, wouldn't he?" He laughed a little to himself.
"Peter, you're not weak. For crying out loud, when you called you had a metal hook in your shoulder." Steve paused for a minute to think. "..Peter,"
"Yeah Mr. Rogers?" Peter responded sounded worn out and tired. The crying didn't help.
"How long has that metal hook been in your shoulder?"
"Sense the first day in this lovely hell hole." Peter's chains scratched the ground and he moved his arm in a circle on it.
"Why do you ask Mr. Rog-"
"Peter is your shoulder still bleeding?"
"I mean I'm not-"
"Is your shoulder still bleeding?!"
Just then a bright light from over Peter's head turned on, revealing what looked like something out of a movie. Peter was sitting down, his legs laying motionless as if the haven't been used in a while. One of his arms was tightly wrapped around his torso, and every so often he would lightly squeeze his side with his hand. His arms had cuts all over them and his neck was bruised all the way around. His skin was drained of its color and was a sickly pale. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. Underneath them were dark purple bags that hung down to his mouth, which was resting opening a little to get air because his nose appeared to be broken badly. The worst part? Peter's other arm was black and blue from his shoulder to his wrist. Dark red blood covered part of his neck and all of his shoulder, running down his arm. The dry blood had become crusty and made it so Peter's arm was stiff to move. Right where his should connected to his chest was a hole, about the size of a the bottom of a solo cup. Inside was bright red with fresh blood pooling around the edges. Steve couldn't believe his eyes.
"Oh, yeah My healing factor helped me with this," Peter swallowed.
"But......I don't think it'll last much longer." Peter closes his eyes and took in a breath.
Steve still had an expression of shock on his face which soon turned to terror.
"Peter your ar-"
"Are these lights to bright for u too Mr. Rogers?" Peter asked in a drowsy voice.
"Because I mean these lights are-"
"Peter your going to bleed out soon!"
Steve cried, panic filling the air from his voice.
"U need help Peter."
"Nah it's ok I'll be," he yawned. "...fine."
"Peter don't close your eyes."

"Peter open your eyes."



There was nothing.

"If you want help,"
A voice was heard over an intercom.
..."there is a way."
Loud footsteps came from Steve's right and even tho he couldn't see anything but Peter and his pale complexion, he felt a sensation of panic wash over him as soon as he felt the presence of that evil person come into the same room as them.
"And why would I listen to you, you're the one that put both of us in this hell hole."
His footsteps stopped.
"Well then," he said in a sigh. "I guess you can just watch your little friend here die. Won't you?" And the door steps continued, but something was wrong. Although the footsteps started again, they were becoming quieter. Steve figurehead was leaving and sat there in silence. The got quieter and quiet until they were no more and the only sound to be heard was Steve's rigged breaths. Looking at Peter a tear caught in his eye as he remembered how bubbly and energetic he was, but they had destroyed him. They broke him into a million pieces and all he wanted was the energetic spider baby back that used to be there. He sat in silence for one more minute.
"Wait," he yelled, "Come back please."


"I want to help him, he is going to die please come back."


"I'll do what ever you want. You can do what ever u want to me but him.  He deserves to be saved more than I do."

Footsteps could be heard from Steve's right as they continued to get louder and louder until they stopped on the edge of the light that shown around Peter.
"Anything?" He said. Although Steve couldn't match his face to the words, he was willing to do anything in his power for Peter. Including dying in order for him to return to Tony.
"Yes, whatever you want, just please save him."
"Yes calm down, you don't think we would let our experiment die this early right? You're silly captain, but we appreciate you're expectance in complying, so therefore we will do more to save him. Now for you though," he said has he took a breath. "Might not be so lucky. But it's up to you, would you rather save him," a hand Showed into the light, gesturing at Peter. "Or yourself."

"Peter. I want to save Peter."

"Ok then," he responded in a shallow breath.
"Guards, take him away."
A loud rush of multiple foot steps came from Steve's right. They sounded like they were made of iron the sound of them hitting the floor made Steve's ears bleed. One of them grabbed Steve's arm and it was cool and metal. Another grabbed his foot and then his right shoulder until all of his four main body parts had a hand on them as they lifted him off the ground.
"Until next time captain."
Was the last thing Steve heard before blacking out.

Hi everyone, I feel terrible for not updating in about four months and I so sorry. I tried to make it up to you by making this wayyyyy over 1,000 words and I'm so sorry taht I haven't updated sooner. I have been not such a great time at school and Wattpad is kinda the last thing in my mind right now and I apologize. I hope this was a good chapter and you all liked it 💕

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