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'Love isn't there to make us happy

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'Love isn't there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.' — Hermann Hesse.


I entered Rico's room, caught off guard by the amount of people in the room. His abuelito, Monse's squad, Oscar and Jasmine were present. "Is this even permitted?" I questioned, shocked. The teens shot me a guilty look. "We really wanted see how Rico was doing." Ruby replied. I nodded, before shifting my attention to Jasmine who stared at the little boy in sorrow. I walked up to her, placing my hand on her arm. "Are you okay, Jas?"

Her eyes never once left the kid as she replied. "I'm doing okay. I'm still having nightmares, though." I rubbed my hand up and down her arm in a soothing manor. "Just remember that it'll all be okay. He'll wake up before you know it and return to his happy, bubbly self." Her upper lip silently lifted up into a sad smile.

"Sindya, can I please have a word with you?" A familiar low voice spoke from behind me. I twisted my neck into the direction, my eyes landing on Jose, Rico's abuelito. "Of course." As we walked past the squad who was accompanied by Oscar, he intensionally brushed his hand against mine. My eyes flickered over to him, being greeted by a wink he sent my way.

My heart fluttered at the gesture and left a red tint on my cheeks. He was surely going to make my 'healing' journey much harder than I'd ever thought, yet I couldn't wait for all the teasing I had coming my way.

Jose closed the door behind him as we stood in the hall. I gazed down at him in anticipation, since he was shorter than me. He noticed my expression and slipped a sigh from his thin lips. "I need you to promise me something, Sindya."

I frowned, yet nodded. "Okay, and that is?"

"I need you to take care of Rico for me when I'm not around." I folded my arms across my chest, confused as to where this conversation would lead to. "I already do that."

He sighed heavily and ran his tanned hand through his white hair. "Not like that— I'm dying, mija. (dear)"

My breath hitched in my throat. "I-I thought you said you were doing better!?" I shrieked in frustration. "I went to the doctors and they said my lump grew back. It's spreading rapidly." Tears spilled from my eyes, rolling slowly over my cheek. "Why am I losing everyone?" I whispered. He entwined my hands with his. "You will not lose me, mija. I'll be right there, in your heart."

I shook my head. "Why does everybody say that!? You'll be dead, Jose!" He placed his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt. "Ouch."

Guard up, Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now