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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Sin clasped her arms around Oscar. He ran his large hand against her arm and wistfully whispered, "I'm okay, baby love. I'm okay." Toño's lifeless and bloodied body laid scattered across the cement floor. All five of the bullets that zoomed through the air, pierced through his body without a lick of mercy.

Jose trailed his eyes along the bullets holes that gushed blood. He loomed his body over Toño's dead one. He tried to hold back the seething torrent of tears, yet his soft features swiftly betrayed him. His pristine lips trembled immensely; his shoulder began to jolt and the sea of pain he tried to contain burst free like a tsunami which destroyed anything that hindered its path. His loud wails echoed along the thick walls of the spacious warehouse. Every single soul of the Los Santos were quiet for they knew his pain; Toño was Jose's older brother.

"Listen up!" Sad Eyes yelled above the weeping of Jose — breaking the barrier of silence. "Y'all didn't see or hear anything that happened today. Got it?!" He threatened, his voice booming and commanding. The fearful women vigorously nodded their heads. "Where is Rico?" Sin questioned Oscar whilst cleaning her tears.

She felt his body stiffen under her touch and immediately flickered her eyes upward. Her two brown gazers landed on his sombre ones. "What happened!?" She slowly began to panic, the rising of her chest becoming irregular. Oscar shook his head, softly, as if to alleviate the pain that he would cause her if he told her what happened. "He's gone, Sin."

The fine lines of her skin crinkled in confusion. "What do you mean he's gone?" Her touch vanished from his body, her arms hanging limply along her body. "She killed him. I tried to protect him and I failed. I failed, Sin." He quipped, tears welling up in his dark eyes.

She took several steps back, as if to distance herself from the brutal truth. "That can't be true." Sin repeated multiple times, her eyebrows knitting together in some sort of confusion. Her glossy eyes swiveled over to Oscar's sombre ones and it was then, that the agonizing reality seemed to seep into her consciousness. Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

Her legs gave away and folded beneath her. She felt the tightness in her chest worsen by each labored breath she took. She shut her eyes, tight. Numbness started taking over, the adrenaline that coursed vastly through her veins fading away by each tear that forged its way down her damp cheeks. "No, no, no.."

Oscar tightly clenched his jaw, attempting to hold back his tears. He squatted down and placed his hands on both sides of her face— making her look up at him. "We'll get through this, you hear me? I will avenge Rico by blowing up this whole damn building. I cried for him, I fought for him, I even killed for the kid, but in the end— it wasn't enough. He's still in our hearts, babylove."

The more Oscar spurred his sweet nothings, the less tears shed from Sin's eyes. "You know what he told me when we were being held? He told me that it was going to be okay. He told me that the butterflies were coming soon. That little hombrecito sacrificed for us. He saved us, and I can't repay him enough, but you have to be strong. You have to be brave." Oscar quipped as a lone tear cascaded down his cheek.

Sin pressed her forehead against his, emotions that he couldn't quite place swirling along her brown orbs. "Okay, I'll be brave."

This is just a lil short filler chapter before the storm REALLY hits.
Y'all are about to hate or like Sin even more, 🤐

Guard up, Oscar DiazΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα