Show Yourself

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Dedicated to the person struggling right now,

you may feel lost right now
worthless and useless
because of the people
who belittle you
and pull you down

lonely, you might think
that no one cares

wrong doers are nothing
but challenges and hurdles
which just make you stronger

Never underestimate yourself.
Never let them get to you.

always remember you have
somebody to lean on
that's yourself and your family
especially God, he gives us strength

think about all the positive,
set aside the negative
better believe, have faith and
just do what makes you feel you

remember that you are an:
amazing, one of a kind, rad,
weird flex but okay, unique,
struggler to make a point type
of astonishing human

we all have flaws,
embrace it
even if it hurts,
it will be worth it
just like yourself

life is tough
but keep in mind
you can go through it all
you have the wits
always got it
for in this world
you are your own fighter
you are yours
you set your rules,
your own game

so let yourself ignite,
start flames and
show your true colors
show your true self
show yourself


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