Keep on Fighting

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So I know that mental health is really being a huge part of our society, daily living this generation, so I wrote this piece to voice out my thoughts.

Dedicated to those who are in need,

Feeling lost? Alone? Feel that heavy
burden in your heart?

Remember that-

"A heart is a heavy burden".

-Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle

Having all a heavy heart in your chest
makes you so tired that you wanna quit?

Don't quit, suicide is not-
the answer.

Suicide is no good-

Ending things in that way
won't really end it.

Hurting yourself
will only hurt you
much more.

Why will you hurt yourself-
if in the first place,
you're already feeling-
too much pain?

If in the first place
you can't take
much more?

If in the first place
you're already
giving up a fight
that's just about to begin?

A fight that's called life.

That's the time
where you keep on fighting,
when you feel that all is done-
when all means not at all.


Because if you keep on fighting
you will never lose,
because you never gave up.

Your problems will disappear
because you'll survive.

Don't worry for you aren't alone.
There are many people
out there carrying problems
that seem to be as heavy
as the whole world.

Don't take yourself for granted.


We are all special
in our own individual ways,
we all have our differences.

Don't take yourself for granted
all because the people around you do.

Don't overthink.

Don't overthink,
you'll just kill yourself more,
you'll make yourself feel worse.
It won't solve anything.

Don't look for you in others.
We are all different.

It's part of life,
will always
be there.

If we keep on focusing
on our insecurities-
we will just make things
worse for ourselves.

Back to that heavy feeling in your chest, does the people around you feel it?

Do they know you feel like that?
Maybe yes, but mostly no.

They don't feel it, so do you-
but you really don't have to feel it.

If you keep on comparing yourself to others you won't be happy because you'll find nothing.

We can't force people to be like us.

"Don't compare your life to others'. The Sun and the Moon don't compare because they shine in their time."

Shine your light, when it's your turn...
when it's your time.

Sometimes, we need to accept our mistakes.


That's the way of life.


You aren't alone, you have yourself and don't forget about God.

God will always be there when everyone turns their backs on you.

Keep on fighting and start loving yourself.
Have faith in God and in you.
Change for the better, learn to accept your mistakes, embrace your flaws no matter how hard it is and never ever give up on yourself.

Suicide will never be an answer.

You can never let yourself lose in your own battle.

-Also remember,

You're just starting, that's not even an inch of the real pain you'll experience in the future.

"It's still early for change, you are still young"

-Anne Marie Chin Ching a 7ᵗʰ and 8ᵗʰ grade highschool teacher and a mother.


a.n. okay so I took the courage too write this to take the chance to speak out. To voice out my thoughts. I'm a depressed person. I'm aware of it so I'm fighting it.

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