Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Garima and Khushi were in the kitchen. Garima was trying to teach everything her daughter could learn to please her husband and his family.

"Way to a man's heart is through his stomach Garima said as she perfected her daughter's hand motion in making Halwa

"Make sure after marriage you learn Arnavji's all favourite food recipes. Advised Garima

"Arnav babua is here. Announced Buaji

"Now? asked a shocked Garima. She has not made enough arrangements to please her future son in law. How embarrassing is that?

"Khushi go change into something presentable Garima advised before heading to living room

When Khushi came to the living room where everyone was gathered, wearing a blue salwar, Arnav was talking to her father and Buaji. But as soon as she entered the room, his eyes caught hers and he flashed his adorable smile.

"I will prepare lunch for you damadji " Garima said hurrying into kitchen

"Maa Garima stopped in her tracks hearing Arnav address her that. She turned to look at him surprised

"Maa don't fuss about my arrival. I am just like your son. No special treatment the genuine tone in his words almost made Garima weep

Buaji cleared her throat demanding attention of the whole gathering.

"Devyaniji and others have gone back to Delhi, haven't they? she asked Arnav.

She already knows Raizadas with payal included have gone to Delhi. She just wanted to know why Arnav stayed back.

"Ji. I stayed back to over look some accounts. I will be leaving today Arnav said the last sentence looking at Khushi. He didn't miss the hint of disappointment in her face at the news of him leaving. It has been only two days to their engagement and his Khushi seems to be taken to him already.

"I came to give these papers to Khushi said Arnav sensing Buaji was dying to know his purpose of visit

Arnav stood up from his seat and gave a file to Khushi. She shyly took it from him.

"What are they? asked a curious Buaji

"These are application forms from top universities of Delhi. He said then turning to Khushi he continued "Go through all. Whatever course you want in whichever college will be arranged. Khushi meekly nodded overwhelmed by the fact that she will be able to continue her studies

"College? Why will she study? asked Buaji.

"Why won't she? She loves studying Arnav answered

"You are from a reputed family. Will you send your wife to work? asked Buaji in a taunting voice

"Well I want Khushi to study not because I want her to work just because I want her to grow independent. However if she wants to work she can. It is her choice completely. Arnav said

"Women in our house have never gone to college Buaji complained

"Well she will be a Raizada in a month. And wife of Arnav Singh Raizada has no boundaries. She will study if she wants to Arnav declared

Buaji didn't want talk anything more. Whatever happens to Khushi after the wedding is entirely on Raizadas' head so he shouldn't dirt her hands meddling in their matters.

Khushi sat on her bed comfortably before opening the file. There were shiny brochures from various colleges. But what caught her eyes was a small gift wrapped box and a letter attached to it.

Dear Khushi,

I don't want to leave you here and return to Delhi. But, I had to. I cannot distract you during your finals, you know. So this is just temporary separation. Moreover I am planning to wind up work soon so that I can take long vacation for our wedding. These pre wedding days are going to be tough. So make matters somewhat bearable I have gifted you what we need the most. Open it before reading further.

Khushi opened the box to find latest model Samsung phone. Her very own phone. Khushi's heart almost skipped a beat.

Hope you like it. It has unlimited internet access as well. I have stored my number. Look at the manual to know how to use it. I am waiting for your call.

Khushi didn't waste much time before reading the whole manual and figuring out how to use it. Soon she opened the contacts to find Arnav's number and called.


"Hello Khushi she heard his husky voice on the other side

"Have you reached? she asked

"One more hour


"I already miss you he said

Khushi held the end of her duppatta and twisted it.

"I wish I was there with you.

"Arnavji she called. She didn't know how to tell him that she misses him. Was it too preposterous?

"I know Khushi he said as if he understood her unsaid words. "Study well and complete your exams. Once we are married. You will be all mine.

The days that followed engagement was nothing like Khushi expected. It was as if her life has changed inside her own home.

Every time Khushi insisted in helping her mother, Garima would say, " I don't want to get in your husband's bad book by making you work. I have strict orders from him that I should give you time to study

Buaji did taunt her. But her new taunts only made Khushi blush

"Now why will you listen to us Buaji will say "Your future husband only treats you like you are a queen. Now we have become your servants, haven't we?

"Khushi why are you with books always? Neeta her neighbour complains "These books don't teach you how to make your husband happy. Come with me I will teach you tricks to make him joru ka ghulam

Along with thriving hard to get marks, Khushi was also constantly in phone with Arnav getting to know Arnav more. Of course no one knows about her phone or phone conversation with him. Though her family has become lenient now, she didn't want to push her luck. Arnav vehemently refuses to tell her how he knows so much about her. However, Khushi only enjoys that he cares for her, knows her well and pampers her like she was a princess.

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