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Arnav was leaning on the bed post looking at his wife sprinting around the whole room to get ready for college.

"Slow down he warned as he saw her trip over his shirt that was carelessly thrown on the floor last night

"Who throws shirt on the floor? asked Khushi angrily throwing his favourite shirt god knows where

"Well, a certain horny woman Arnav answered chuckling

Khushi turned around to glare at him, making him hide his face behind the pillow.

"It is all because of you she accused

Arnav didn't dare to utter a word. He would never tell her that it was she who initiated the act last night and live another day. Khushi was busy the whole week preparing for her campus placements and when it was finally the day before her dream company arrived, she became a nervous wreck.

"Khushi, you have been a brilliant student all these years. So, you will obviously do well tomorrow'

"I don't know, Arnav. I am very nervous. Make my nervousness go away

"You want ice cream?

"No, I want you

Arnav tried to talk her out of it. But, once his wife started to work her charm on him, Arnav was not able to resist. And that became the major reason why Khushi was late that morning.

"Wish me luck she said as she bent down to kiss him.

"Good luck, baby. You will rock

In the evening, the whole house was filled with laughter after Khushi proudly flaunted her appointment letter in front of everyone.

"Can you believe that I will be interning at AR? asked Khushi with a sigh

"Of course, because you practically own a part of its share and also own the major share holder Anjali said teasingly

Anjali never understood Khushi's insistence on joining AR as intern after all proper procedures. Anyway she is going to end up there only' she thought

However, Arnav knows the reason. His wife once told him, "I want to prove to myself that I am capable of achieving things on my own

Later in their room Arnav and Khushi was cocooned in each other's arms covered by a duvet. Khushi moved closer to him and started drawing patterns on his chest. Arnav knew that sign meant that his wife wanted to talk to him something serious.



"Can I ask you something?



"Yes, Baby. You can ask

"Arnav Khushi chided and sat up cross legged on the bed.

"What, baby?

"Arnav I want baby

Arnav closed his eyes and leaned back. He knew that topic was inevitable. Only college was dissuading Khushi from all these baby talks. Now, he knew she will start talking about children. It was about time.

"Khushi, I...

"Don't you dare say I am not ready. I know my body better than you. Give me some credits

"Khushi you are...

"Young? Mr.Raizada if I am not young enough for what we have been doing almost every night for the past two years, then I am definitely not young for baby. And don't forget you are not getting any younger as well

"What do you mean by that?? asked a startled Arnav who sat up facing her

"I want my baby to have a young father. If we go by your plan then by the time we have baby I will be 30 and you will be 40

Arnav sighed and looked at her

"Okay. After a year

what is with him and a year' Khushi mumbled

"What? asked Arnav though he heard what she said

"Okay she said

"Okay? Arnav asked shocked. Did his wife give in so soon

"Yeah, okay. But you are not coming near me for another year she warned


"Yeah, if i don't get what I want, then you won't get what you want

"Whatever Arnav mumbled and went to sleep

He thought his wife was just messing with him. But, a month later after he realized his wife was taking her warning quiet literally, Arnav gave in

"Arnav Khushi stopped him from removing her skirt and pulled him to meet her face.

"What? asked a frustrated Arnav who was desperate for some action after almost a month

"You gave in because I was unhappy about not getting a baby or you are unhappy about not getting any? she asked making a serious face

Arnav knew he could, not in this life, give a correct answer for that question and live to see another day. So, he did what he knows best to make his wife forget everything. He filled her mind and senses with passion.


Going to take a break from Wattpad for few days.
When I come back, I will either start new story or continue writing "Perks of Being Loved" ( or Being Loved, as known to Wattpad readers). It already has around 20 chapters but still a long way to go.


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