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GRAYSON WAS SHAKING WITH NERVES as they pulled up the Byers house

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GRAYSON WAS SHAKING WITH NERVES as they pulled up the Byers house. They had tried the Wheeler house first, but Nancy's parents just said that the girl was at a friend's. Since Nancy had been with Jonathan earlier in the day, they assumed this was the next best place to go looking for her. The boy was so ready for the night to be over. He was so ready to just be happy with Steve and at peace with his past, the thought sounded like complete and utter bliss.

"Okay," Steve began as they parked in the empty driveway. "You wait here, I'll be like... five minutes max, okay?"

Grayson nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

"Oh, and one last thing," the boy said before he got out of the car. He leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to Grayson's cheek before he actually exited the car. "Okay, five minutes."

After he left, a bright blush filled Grayson's cheeks and he was glad Steve wasn't there to see it. All the drama and heartbreak and Steve still managed to have that effect on him. Grayson was determined not to let Steve know how much he truly meant to him, not yet. Grayson smiled to himself, biting his lip to keep from grinning too wide. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He thought he was doomed to be in love with Steve while the boy was happy with Nancy forever. Yet look where he was now.

Five minutes passed, Grayson may or may not have literally timed him, and Steve still hadn't exited the house. Letting his curiosity get the best of him, Grayson left the car. He walked up to the house, about to knock when he just shrugged and opened it, finding it unlocked.

Much to his surprise, when he walked in, Nancy had a gun pointed at Steve and there was a lot of yelling going on.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He yelled, getting everyone's attention, "What the hell is going on?"

"Get out, you can't be here!" Nancy commanded, moving the gun so it was pointing at Grayson. As soon as she did this, Steve moved to shield Grayson, half hiding him with his body as well as holding him back with his arm.

"What is going on?" Steve screamed, looking wildly confused. Grayson had a feeling his face matched the same bewildered expression. He had expected maybe a little yelling from Nancy or Jonathan, but a gun? That was a little much.

Nancy wasn't budging, but the hand holding the gun was shaking. "You have five seconds to get out of here."

"Okay, is this a joke? Put the gun down," Steve attempted to reason. Grayson was holding onto his shoulders and hiding behind him, happy to let Steve defend them. Not that he would be happy if Nancy actually fired that gun because with how close she was, it would most definitely go right through Steve and hit both of them. It was the thought that counts.

Weirdly enough, all the girl said was, "I'm doing this for you."

"Sure doesn't seem like it," Grayson explained, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Now probably wasn't the best time to be sarcastic, but it was pretty much a reflex.

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