Chapter 20: The State of Affairs

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Chapter 20: The State of Affairs

The soldiers' footsteps also marched forward at Ran Min's departure. Under Wang Hong's leadership, the nobles followed behind them.

All were now looking at Chen Rong in astonishment. They just could not understand why Wang Qilang would ask for a young lady's opinion. Why did Wang Qilang seem to be more at ease once she said Ran Min could be trusted?

In just a short time, the group arrived at the main road.

The road was covered in deep wheel paths. Wang Hong furrowed his brow as he bade for the carriage to approach Ran Min. Placing his hands together, he asked the other man, "Sir, why are there so many carriage marks on the ground?" Anxiety was evident in his voice.

Ran Min turned to look and faintly smiled at Wang Hong.

There was a strong bloodlust in his handsomeness, his entire being as if enveloped in burning flames; even his eyes could burn. At the same time he looked over, the children lowered their heads to avoid his eyes, and even Wang Hong's group sank in spirit.

Ran Min said dismissively, "Everybody is moving south. Naturally there would be heavy wheel paths."

Wang Hong gave a start.

Without waiting for him to speak, Wang Wulang hastily asked, "What is your meaning, sir? They are so close to Luo'yang – why do they still go south?"

Wang Wulang's voice was very loud. Suddenly, the crowd's murmurs stopped as they looked up, waiting for Ran Min's answer.

Ran Min gazed to the front, there was an indescribable somberness in his indifferent voice: "Why do they go south? Didn't I already say? This place is overtaken by the barbarians!"

He was saying there were many barbarians here. But, wasn't this Luo'yang?! This was the capital of Jin. Had the situation gotten so dire?

The crowd began to panic. Sobs again arose amid the commotion.

This translation belongs to hamster428.

Witnessing the confusion growing louder and louder, Ran Min who had been looking to the front shouted: "Silence!"

His shout was so savage that the children quickly shut up in shock.

In the silence, Ran Min coldly spat: "So what if you'll die? You are men of honor, how can you be so quick to tears? Hmph! What a disgrace!"

His words were somewhat harsh. These youngsters were used to being pampered and had always felt superior to other people. Even if Ran Min were incredibly frightening, in their eyes, only the frail scholars were true men of honor. Despite being extraordinarily handsome and remarkably imposing, just like a volcano hidden under a snowy peak, the man in front of them was but a barbaric brute.

All of a sudden, many turned a disdainful eye at Ran Min. Nonetheless, they could only secretly roll their eyes, for the person before them was a devil incarnate.

Wang Hong gloomily stared in the direction of Luo'yang and then at length whispered: "Is Luo'yang presently a ghost town, then?"

"There are some who haven't moved," replied Ran Min.

He paused and turned his head, looking at Wang Hong to say, "Might you have guessed who have left and who remain?"

"Would Lord Ran happen to know where the people of Luo'yang have gone to?"

"Jiankang." (2)

Short history lesson: Luo'yang is the Jin's capital from 265-311 AD and Jiankang is its capital from 317-420 AD. The change was caused by the invasion of the nomadic tribes in the north, pushing the Hans south.

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