Chapter 115: Machinations

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Chapter 115: Machinations

Ran Min's face darkened. He waved his hand and shouted, "Faster."

His guards didn't need to be told; they had already rushed off.

Soon, they arrived at the scene of the fire.

As they watched the blazing flames and billowing smoke, and the neighbors flitting in and out, shouting as they tried to put out the fire, a guard heatedly cried, "General, what will we do?!"

At the same time, exclamations were heard in the distance from Nan'yang: "This courtyard has been abandoned for years, how strange that it suddenly catches on fire!"

"It looks like it could burn for a few more days."

Ran Min's face was as still as water while the commotion went on around them.

Likewise, Chen Rong blankly stared at the sky-high flames as she murmured, "We can't leave now."

She was right; they could not leave.

The tunnel entrance was inside the burning courtyard. Looking at the fire, however, everything would be incinerated within three days, and by then the tunnel wouldn't be usable anymore.

Slowly, Ran Min's face iced up, his eyes razor sharp.

"General?" whispered a guard.

He did not bother to turn around. He stared at the rolling smoke for a while before sneering: "Good for Wang Hong, good for Wang Qilang!"

He may not have had the evidence that it was Wang Hong's doing, but he was quite certain he had been maneuvered by him!

Ran Min at once strode back to Wang Hong's courtyard.

His guards kept closely behind him. Each and every one of them readied his grip on his scabbard in preparation for war.

Terrified by the forbidding atmosphere, Chen Rong blindly followed Ran Min and dared not lift her head.

This translation belongs to

Ran Min suddenly halted.

His lips drew into a line as he stared ahead.

Chen Rong sensed the change in the air and thus raised her head.

She recognized that they had unknowingly marched to the side door of the hamlet where Wang Hong resided. But this time, the door was wide open. Under a single torch light, Wang Hong stood in the wind with the lavender coat draped around him. His hands were clasped together as he quietly watched them.

There was no one behind him.

The torch flickered in the night wind. The stars in the sky faintly scattered their light over his head and body.

His entire being was elegance itself.

Wang Hong quietly remained by the doorway. When he saw a murderous Ran Min halt, he raised his clasped hands and greeted him: "It is my great honor to receive you again, general!" He then looked up, revealing eyes that twinkled under the stars. "I beg your understanding. Where home and country are concerned, I cannot help but resort to a little scheming."

Like a wolf, Ran Min glared at him and returned: "What makes you think an insignificant city like Nan'yang can trap me? What I don't want to do, no schemes can force me!"

Wang Hong smiled.

His smile couldn't be more brilliant.

He quietly watched Ran Min and then unhurriedly replied, "How can you say that, general? Murong Ke is every bit my enemy as he is yours."

TCN: Mei GongqingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora