Chapter 112: My Dear Sir, You Haven't Changed

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Chapter 112: My Dear Sir, You Haven't Changed

At this despairing juncture, Chen Sanlang burst into tears and continued to drunkenly blabber on.

A few questions later and after finding that she could not retrieve much information from him, Chen Rong then saw several servants hastening over. The nobility had always, for hundreds of years, followed the golden rule of not disclosing their dirty laundry. Were the sky to fall down, appearances must still be kept in front of outsiders. Those servants must be rushing over for the reason that they feared Chen Sanlang would spout nonsense in his drunken stupor.

She got up and whispered to the restaurant owner, "Uncle, can I trouble you to help him out and take him to his servants?"

He was more than willing to be troubled, having received the gold leaves earlier.

By the time they reached the door, several men had arrived to retrieve Chen Sanlang. They turned to look at Chen Rong but she had, at this point, retreated to a corner where they could not make out her blurry face and vague figure.

Ran Min chuckled as he watched them leave. "Missy, did you get your wish?"

Chen Rong turned around, curtsied to him and happily replied, "Indeed, I did." Chen Yuan had offended the Wang House of Lang'ya as well as the Prince of Nan'yang. He now could neither thrive in Jiankang nor Nan'yang.

And if Chen Yuan had fallen, then Chen Sanlang and Chen Wei both would lose their worth. Even Lady Ruan might find it difficult to remain in aristocratic society.

Chen Rong did not hide her satisfaction when she next faintly smiled.

Ran Min quietly watched her and again smirked from the shadows.

Noises stirred at this time.

There were shouts of cheer along with female squeals, rare as they were amid the city's ongoing anxiety.

Ran Min raised his head while Chen Rong tottered to the door.

A horse-drawn carriage appeared on the street ahead.

Chen Rong stilled, and then broke into a slow smile.

Young men and women were surrounding the carriage. In the midst of their merry laughter, she heard Chen Qi exclaiming: "Qilang, Qilang, I know the barbarians' siege has nothing to do with you. You mustn't pay heed to what people say."

Another young lady sweetly voiced: "With Qilang here, Nan'yang has nothing to worry about."

"What can a mere Murong Ke do," a lad joined them, "when the Wang House in Lang'ya has innumerable troops?"

Comforting words ensued, all of them cheerful exclamations. As she watched the crowd's ebullient faces, Chen Rong realized they truly believed in Wang Hong's ability to avert the crisis.

At this time, Ran Min's deep voice sounded behind her: "Uncle, even you don't have any grievances towards Lang'ya Wang Qi?"

The restaurant owner good-naturedly replied, "All the scholars say Wang Qilang is reliable, so I reckon he must be."

Upon hearing his words, Ran Min sighed in frustration. "Just because he's Lang'ya Wang Qi? A world-renowned reputation, indeed!"

Chen Rong was still scanning the area.

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