Chapter 94: Abducted by Ran Min

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Chapter 94: Abducted by Ran Min

The announcement card was soon ready. Chen Rong headed out of the estate in her carriage.

Once they left the gate, she lifted the curtain to survey Chen Wei's courtyard. Its gate was wide open, but its perimeter was very quiet. At a glance, she saw the busy servants scurrying around with their heads down, daring not to breathe even a puff too loud.

Looking at this scene, a sneer hovered over Chen Rong's mouth. But just as quickly, her eyes blurred to see that such a scene had also happened in the past. At the time, Chen Wei had also suffered the same lost and she had also smirked the same sneer.

In the end, however, she wasn't the one to have the last laugh.

At this thought, Chen Rong immediately snapped awake.

It was snowy white no matter where one looked. It had not stopped snowing in the last few days, continuously floating down to dye the earth a silvery white.

The muddy and messy path was covered in wheel traces. On the roadside, trees were coated with snow. From time to time, traveling vehicles would make a thump that caused a thick layer of snow to fall and hit their rooftops.


Chen Rong drew her curtain down and then rubbed her hands together. She quickly shifted toward the furnace to warm her hands. Remembering that Old shang was driving outside, she picked one of the two small charcoal heaters and handed it out, calling: "Old Shang, keep your hands warm."

Old Shang's laughter rang in. "No need, no need, miss. I have to drive so I can't free my hands." His wrinkles were highlighted by his merry laughter. Like Nurse Ping, he felt that Chen Rong had become so much more mature ever since they moved south. She was indeed making him feel more reassured.

Inside, Chen Rong hummed a reply and retracted the heater.

At this time, the carriage had left the Chen estate and begun heading into town.

The streets were buzzing, surprisingly enough. In addition to raggedy commoners who made up most of the crowd, the nobles' carriages were also shuttling back and forth.

Old Shang watched the scene and smilingly said, "Miss, everyone is enjoying the peace."

Chen Rong hummed her reply.

The carriage had a tough time moving on the muddy street that was covered in uneven snow. It slid to the side several times and almost hit the carriage beside it.

Chen Rong poked her head out calling: "Slow down, Old Shang."

"Will do!"

As Old Shang cheerfully answered her, a man's voice made its way to Chen Rong's ears: "Did they say General Ran Min is back in Nan'yang?"

"Aye, since last night," another man answered him. "Haha, I felt assured once the snow fell. And now with General Ran's return, I can finally relax."

Listening to their easy conversation, Chen Rong smiled and withdrew inside.

Her carriage continued along.

Soon, it arrived at South Street.

After she had bought some stores here, Chen Rong would come to see them each time she went out. She felt rich just by looking at the closed shops.

She lifted her curtain, staring from shop to shop. After a while, she briskly called, "Old Shang, hold on."

Old Shang complied and slowed the vehicle down.

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