10: Heartbeats in Milan!

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Playlist- I'm with you (AVRIL LAVIGNE)

He is punctual, of course, and waiting for me when I leave my workplace. He climbs out of the back of the Lexus car to open the door and smiles warmly at me.

"Good evening, Signorina Damara," he says.

"Signor De Leon ." I nod politely to him as I climb into the backseat of the car. Enzo, his bodyguard, is sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hello, Enzo," I say.

"Good evening, Signorina Damara," his voice is polite and competent.

Jace climbs on the other side and clasps my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze that I feel through my body.

"How was work?" he asks.

"Very long," I reply, and my voice is pudgy.

"Yes, it's been a long day for me too." His tone is serious.

"What did you do?" I inquired with a slight smile.

"I went kickboxing with Maverick, Lucca, and Enrique." His thumb strokes my knuckles, back and forth, and my heart skips a beat as my breathing accelerates.

How does he do this to me? He's only touching a tiny area of my body, and my slutty hormones fly all over.

The drive to the airport t is short and, before I knew it, we arrived. I wonder where the fabled private airplane might be. We're in a built-up city area, and even I know planes need space to take off and land.

Enzo parks, climb out, and opens my car door. Jace is beside me in an instant and retakes my hand.

"Ready?" He asks.

I nod and want to say anything, but I can't articulate the words as I'm too nervous, too excited.

"Enzo." He nods curtly at his bodyguard driver, and we head into the building, straight to a set of elevators.

The memory of daydreaming romance of last time came haunting me. I have thought of nothing else all day. I was daydreaming about what could never happen.

I know why Jace is doing all this for me. It's surely because we were close friends, I'm sure, he can never fall for a bit of a mouse thing like me when models and celebrities are worshipping at his fucking Alpha billionaire feet.

To say I've been distracted would be the understatement of the year. Jace glances down at me, a slight smile on his lips.

"Ahh, " he says dryly, his neon eyes dancing with amusement.

He's telepathic, indeed. It's spooky. What crazy stuff is he thinking up again? Jace De Leon will never stop to amuse me.

I try to keep my face impassive as we enter the elevator. The doors close, and it's there, the weird electrical attraction crackling between us, enslaving me.

I close my eyes in a vain attempt to ignore it. He tightens his grip on my hand. Five seconds later, the doors open onto the roof of the building, and there it is, a white airplane more giant like the Ex Boeing 208 with the name –De Leon Enterprises Holdings Inc. written in black with the company logo on the side. Indeed this is the misuse of Company property.

He leads me to a small office where an old-timer sits behind the desk.

"Here's your flight plan, Signor De Leon. All external checks are done. It's ready and waiting, sir. You're free to go."

"Thank you, Stephano ." Jace smiles warmly at him.

Oh. Someone deserving of the polite treatment from Jace, perhaps he's not an employee. I stare at the old guy in awe.

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