Chapter 10: Stopping Morgana

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Now I learn the real truth about who my family was, I have to make up for my mistake. I was foolish enough to believe that the person I thought was my mother, wasn't my real mother and she wanted to control the seven seas. 

I have to return the trident to my grandfather, and I have to be with my real family. 

I climbed to the cave icicles as Morgana continue using the Trident's magic to bow down against their will. 

I was still scared at first, but I knew that I can't stop now. 

I have to save my family somehow. 

King Triton 

I watched my subjects bow down as they were given up to Morgana's magic. I knew that I was unable to stop her.

Morgana smiles at me, as if she knew I was hopeless. 

"That's it, Triton! Bow down, Bow down before me! 

Sebastian notices me as he was already bow down , "No, your majesty , you mustn't!" 

I groaned, saying to the crab, finally admitting my total defeat and accepting her magic, "I'm so sorry, Sebastian , but I have no choice!" 


I managed to climbed up and I snatched from Morgana's evil hands. 

"Well, well. Look who decided to show up. Give me the Trident." She demands as she tries to push me towards the edge of the iceberg. 

"No! I already done enough damage to my family, I'm not going to give it to you! Stay back!" I yelled, but threating her with the end of the Trident. 

"Ha! Wrong end, sweetheart!" Morgana said, as her tentacle was grabbing me. 

"Hey! You leave my big sister alone!" I hear an familiar voice. 

"Melody?" I asked, shocked and in disbelief that she actually followed me to stop Morgana! 

"Harmony, we were separated once, I'm not going to lose you ever again. 

Toss the Trident to me so I can pass it to Grandfather!" 

Even after I put Melody in danger, could I risk of loosing her again? 

"Just trust me, Harmony." She said, as her eyes were glimmering with hope.

I nod as I threw it to her. 

"Grandfather! We believe this belongs to you!" 

Morgana lets me go as she pushes Melody down! 

"Melody!" I cried, jumping after her as Dash quickly saves us both as we landed in his stomach. 

Melody seems to pass out, as I sigh that she was safe , as our Grandfather grabs hold of the magic trident. 

"Never again, will yours threaten my family! There will be no escape for you ever!" 

I watched my childhood home was being destroyed, I knew I have to do help someone I cared about. 

"I'll be right back!" I told Tip. I said, "I wished to be a mermaid." 

I swam to find Undertow. "Undertow, we have to escape from here!" 

"Why? Why you are risking your tail for me? I helped Morgana kidnapped you from Ariel and Eric!" The Shark ask. 

"Because you're my friend, Undertow. I couldn't abandon you like that." I replied to him as we escaped through the destruction of the lair. 

Undertow looks at Melody. 

"Is .. is she?" He ask. I reassure him, "I think she just passed out from the fall. She'll be fine." 

But I knew that this would be awkward for me. I hid behind a iceberg so Melody can have a reunion with her parents. 

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