Chapter 3

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The popular school tyran Stacy Bower and her followers, Wednesday Carson and Trisha Reyes.

"Rebecca", Stacy said, "I thought you would've changed the school after last year."

So first: My undercover identity was Rebecca Williams, the school nerd. And yes, school just started. It was the last year of high school and then my mission would have ended.

So , yeah , I had to do this another fucking year.

I stood up and looked right in Stacy's eyes, " What? I should have left? And leave you alone too? But who would annoy you then?''

"Oh, I don't know.
I think no one else would be so dumb like you and dare to speak with me like this. Or can you think of another person? ''

As she said that, the others around us started laughing.

It wasn't so funny , was it?

"Don't know", I replied, " but I am asking myself a similar question: Who would be stupid enough to bang somebody who has such a personality like you do? "

And excuse me now, I have to go."

And with that I walked away, just before the door closed, I heard Stacy screaming:,, You will regret that, Nerd!"

Regret my arse, bitch.


The lessons were boring as ever, I already knew everything we did since years.

After another hour of history with Mrs. Miller I finally had lunch.

Unfortunately, my luck didn't last long.

,, Rebecca Williams, to my office, please. Rebecca Williams", came the announcement from the speakers. Can I introduce you to our new principle? I didn't even know who it was.

Nice, so I have to skip lunch ( sarcasm), I thought, and turned to a different direction.

After five minutes of walking and a few insults, kicks and punches I stood in front of the office.

I wanted to knock, but the door slammed open and somebody pulled me into the room.

I was so shocked that I kicked my "attacker" right into the ribs and pulled one of my knives.

"God, Shay this wasn't necessary! ", it took me a while to realize who it was, but then I fell to the ground laughing so hard that I couldn't  breathe correctly.

I calmed down after 3 minutes but when I looked up to my colleague and friend, I laughed again.

"What are you doing here, Max?", I asked and hugged him for the first time after weeks.

"Being your principle, what else? Oh, and from now on it's Mr. Archer for you."

I stared at him, I didn't trust him, I mean this idiot that I call my best friend pranks me all the time.

"I'm not joking.''

I still glared at him.

"You have to trust me, Shay.''

No reaction.

He then walked to his desk and pulled some extremely thick papers out.

"Here, your well-done homework, class tests and other things for the rest of the year."

My stare turned into a big grin., "You really are my principle now, Mr 'Archer' ", I said took "my" work and hugged him again.

"Yep, and there are more things for you.", he pulled something out and handed me a bag.

Protecting the school's idiotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora