Chapter 7

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After waiting minutes outside looking for my new neighbours, I went inside into my own flat and fell onto my bed.

I thought about what I was going to do when I realized that I had to search for new information.

Because it had no use to just lay there, I stood up and started searching for my business laptop.

As I was searching in a box under my bed I heard very familiar voices.

This wasn't good.

This wasn't planned!

"Bro, how the hell have you put everything in here already?!", I heard Hunter's not really quiet voice asking.

" He's rich, have you already forgotten that?", laughed Jack and probably punched him at the arm.

" How could I? Just look at this apartment then you know that.", he grumbled.

I still lay under my bed with my window still open, so I didn't risk to stand up, so they would've seen me. The conversation went on and I tried hard to understand everything.

" What are we doing anyway?", Damien asked.

"Don't know", said Aidan.

" What about spying out your neighbours?", I heard Ian asking

Damn you.

" Why should we do that?", the others asked in unison.

Good boys.

"Because we don't have Wifi, it's raining and we don't have anything better to do."

It was just a vague mumble, but I still heard how they agreed.

Bad, bad, bad boys.

" The houses here are really close, aren't they?", Damien asked.

"Yes, they are. I don't know why somebody would have built them so close together.

You can literally jump in there.", Hunter agreed.

I don't know how this had to have looked, five boys staring at their neighbour's room. Probably really...interesting ...

" Aidan, do you know who lives there?"

"No, but how the room looks like, presumably a chic.", he answered.

"Hope it's a hot one...", each of them said in perfect sync.

I didn't know if I should've found it more funny or creepy.

When I started to thinking that I would die a wretched dead under my bed, I heard my saviour screaming: "AIDEN !WE'RE HOME!"

It was his mother but also my way out of this bed.

No boy fears anything more than his mother or girlfriend. No one.

But also because this was a sudden announcement no one paid attention to me.

As fast as I could, I ran out of my room and into the living room. There I spied them, how they spied me unknowingly.

They got bored and so got I, so I grabbed my laptop (which stood there instead of in my room) and started searching through our archives.

The information I got were old except for one: Every one of them had at least once a problem with drugs. They all had their very own entry in our databank, but they were all at least 3 years old.

Maybe it weren't their parents who had Mafia problems?

I searched for two more hours till I knew the details of their conflicts.

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