////Chapter 13\\\\

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How everything began

POV: third-person narrator

14 years ago...

It was early evening and the sun, brightly shining, floated through the fields around the highway. There was only one car driving since two hours straight, but it wasn't really unusual, this highway was always very empty, not many people used this road but the view to the fields was always very beautiful.

In the car was a family of three, happy, friendly, normal. But sadly not for long anymore.

They were driving home from a long family day at Disneyland, once a month they went for a day just for them and this special time their choice was Disneyland.

" Muuuuuuuuuummmmy, I'm tired!", complained the three-year-old girl cutely from the backseat.

" Sweetie, then just sleep, it'll take another hour until we arrive home. ", answered her mother smiling, she turned at her direction and looked straight into the closed eyes of her daughter.

" But I don't wanna sleep..."

Now it was her father who added something laughing:" You'll do it anyways, Ellie, and you should! Sleep is important, and after you ran so much, there's nothing to wonder. I promise you, honey, you won't miss anything! And I will carry you to your bed when we're home, okay?"

" 'Kay, I love you, g'night!"

The child's eyes closed not long after their conversation but as hard as she tried she couldn't sleep. After a few more tries she gave up, the noise of the motor didn't help so she was there, bored out of her mind. The only thing that would've been helping were the voices of her parents so she secretly listened to what they were saying.

" Sheryl, it's nothing. My brother wouldn't do such a thing, he would never betray his family, we aren't so close anymore and , yes, we had our little fights, but still, he wouldn't do a thing like this."

" Are you sure, Morgan?"

"Yes, and why should we be interesting for his "enemies"? We don't deal with this kind of business, and he swore he would never lose a word about us or my parents."

" I'm just worrying... "

" I know," Morgan said softly and took the hand of his wife, " I was too, but we shouldn't, nothing ever happened, and will ever happen, I promise."

" I believe you, but ... after the latest events..."

" I denied, Shery, and I made it very clear that we don't want to have to deal with his people. Everything's okay."

A smile spread across Sheryl's face, happy about the reassurance of her husband.

The little girl didn't understand what they were saying, she was too young and didn't know her uncle well.

Anyways, she didn't bother about it and relaxed, still listening to her parents.

After a while, they left the highway and drove at, mostly, also lonely side streets.

Meanwhile, the girl fell asleep and her parents also fell silent, there was just nothing to talk anymore. They came to stop at a traffic light where another car stood.

The people in there nodded friendly to Morgan, just a quick, friendly gesture. Then the lights went green and the family drove off, not long after, the same car appeared behind them, nothing to worry right? They could have just taken the same road?

The drive went on for two minutes until they reached the second traffic light with another similar car.

"Morgan? Isn't this a little suspicious?"

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