Yoongi's Arrival

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Returning to his home always brought something different for Yoongi, some days it was peaceful and empty aside from the sleeping Jimin on his lounge, some were loud and exhausting with many different beings running around and yelling at each other and others were down right confusing and a mess, this night was the latter

Walking in he found a blank Jimin sitting there staring at nothing, eyes wide, mouth in a tight line and hands on his lap, stepping forward more he could make out two figures slumped over on the ground, raising an questionable eyebrow he looked towards the small silver haired boy who simply looked backed with eyebrows furrowed

"Should I even ask?" he dragged himself over to the lounge stopping to kick one of the bodies on his way making it let out a low groan

"What's the dick angel doing back, didn't he leave? what's with the blood?" he slumped down next to his roommate throwing his bag onto the other body having it land with a loud thud

"He fell again-" Jimin's voice cracked as his eyes darted towards the angel who was now whining as he twitched , Yoongi's eyes leapt towards the roof and his face fell blank

"You're paying for that you shit-"

"As if I have any fucking money, want me to pay with feathers-" groaning and sitting up the blonde male shot a glare towards the brunette

"Then STOP fucking falling through my roof you asshole" the angel ducked out of the way narrowly missing a shoe that was thrown his way, looking over he started to snicker

"Yo, Jin, you okay?" he nudged the other with his foot before moving over to gently slap his face

"Answer your damn phone-" he groaned out and covered his ears, Jimin smiled softly at him getting up to help him sit forward

"That's your ears Jinnie" the pair got up and left the room

"Go easy on him Jiminie, wink emoji" Jimin sent a glare towards him

"Taehyung... you can't just say emoji" Taehyung wiggled his brows towards the latter who blushed deeply and led Jin out of the room
"Where are the others" Yoongi flatly asked, the angel only shrugged his shoulders
"I thought you and the cannibal were joined at the hip-" Taehyung's face went pale
"Or should I say... liver?" Yoongi choked out an apathetic laugh, the latter only looking like he was having war flashbacks to the last time he got his friend angry
"What about the bird" watching Taehyung's reactions were amusing to Yoongi to say the least, he had gone from looking pale and afraid and now his face was covered with disgust
"Are you still caught up on the fact he looks like your uncle" Taehyung visibly shuddered by this
"It's just messed up man, he could be his son, and then when I walked in on him and-" Yoongi could feel the cringe himself as Taehyung's face contorted, he chuckled softly
"You're one messed up kid aren't you" Taehyung looked up at him, his blonde hair brushing against his brows as he did
"Have you see who my family is?" he scratched the back of his head and let out a long groan, Yoongi could only smile and laugh a little
"I feel you there kid, I feel.you.there"  

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