He's Dead Jim

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Yoongi felt intense stares set on him, it had been ten minutes and he had began to become agitated, he clicked his tongue turning his head to have his eyes meet others large doe eyes paired with furrowed brows

"What!?" the pair were now in an intense stare off, neither willing to waver

"Where is he!?" realising just why the young man before him had come to be in his presence he sighed and closed his eyes

"He's dead kid" he put rather bluntly, he felt the space beside him raise as the boy pushed himself backwards

"W-what? Dead? but...but... he can't die?" his voice sounded weak

"Yup" Yoongi spoke popping the p "Floated away in bits of stardust, flying high to the skies above" a small gasp was heard

"You should of seen it" he scoffed in amusement "Oh man, there was blood everywhere, what an idiot" he went on teasingly before he was cut off my a choked sob, he whipped his head to see the youngers eyes welled up with tears, lips and body trembling

Fuck, he did it again, made the poor kid cry

"Ah fuck, Kook, dude, I was only kidding-"

"How- how can you just laugh..." Yoongi's eyes widened "He...he was probably so scared... I-I know he acts all tough and shit but....but he's really just a sweet innocent angel still..." they say if you have good hearing it would of been possible to hear the internal screaming that filled Yoongi's mind, he couldn't deal well with others emotions, especially crying

"No, damn, Kook just listen-" Jungkook stood before him, his eyes clouded silver as his emotions ran high and he began to have trouble controlling his inner demon, while Yoongi was half immortal he didn't particularly like the idea of missing an organ so soon, he couldn't regenerate like a certain angel could, he readied his body to fight the young aswang before him if that's what it came from but maybe luck was on his side as the roof before them collapsed in crushing Jungkook in brick and rubble, was it bad he considered that lucky? probably, should he check on the kid? nah, he sat back relaxing whilst looking at the mess, a small smirk gracing his face at the sight before him

"Daddy kick you out or did you escape again?" he didn't know when it happened but he'd actually grown rather fond of the cheeky blondes presence

"bit o both" Taehyung graced Yoongi with his large boxy smile, the elder raised a brow at him motioning him to go on by rolling his wrist

"I wanted to see Uncle Luci but then dad was all like 'He's a negative influence Taehyung, it's just a phase Taehyung, change your wings back Taehyung' blah blah blah boring" he scoffed and rolled his eyes, Yoongi let out a low chuckle, he honestly loved hearing about Taehyung's family drama, the way he talked about the almighty "God" and the terrifying "Lucifer" was amusing to him, humans described them in so many mighty ways but the way Taehyung described them and talked about them, it was like any normal family really, albeit the whole, angels and demons thing

"So then I was l like you know what da-" Yoongi couldn't help but wince slightly as he watched the delicate angels frame be thrown across the room and be joined by another body mass hovering over him staring intently at him, Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at the boy before him

"What the fuck did you do?" Jungkook seethed at him, Taehyung's gaze softened as he gently smiled at the boy and lifted his hand to brush some of his hair out of his face

"I saw you crying Kook-"

"Shut the fuck up" Jungkook harshly pushed his lips onto the angels in an attempt to shut him up and also in an attempt to show him that he had been missed and worried about

Pulling back he looked at Taehyung's dazed face

"I thought you said you were going to be more careful Taehyung" ooh, full name, he was in trouble, he sheepishly smiled at Jungkook while trying to scurry away his efforts in nought as he was pulled back by his waist and slammed against Jungkook's chest being lifted, he let out a squeak and tried his best to squirm out of his grasp

"C'mon I'm hungry" Jungkook spoke flatly

"Oh come on man, I just got here, don't make me go back yet, can't you just order a pizza or something?" the angel whined out leaving the other to laugh deeply

"I'll eat your liver last, how about that?" Taehyung's eyes widened as he let out a little "oh" and allowed himself to be carried out of the room by the hungry aswang, they left a bored Yoongi sitting there staring at his roof

"Maybe I should get a skylight?"

AN: One for the gays, maybe I should just end every chapter with Yoongi saying something random and just genuinely not giving a shit about anything 

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