Hunt or Be Hunted

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Blue lighting from the moonlight outside hit the profile of the brunettes face everytime he passed a crack in the boarded up building, it softened the mans stern look, showering him in a softness, making him look almost ethereal

"Shit!" Yoongi let out a deep sigh stopping and slightly lowering his weapon turning to face the cause of the noise
He looked on to see a cursing Taehyung jumping around on one foot as his other was clutched in his hand
Yoongi rolled his eyes for the hundredth time that night

"Ah fuck, Yoongs, I think it's broken" he hissed in air dramatically as he flailed about it pain

"Man, we're gonna have to amputate, this is it, I'm a goner-"

"You kicked your toe Taehyung, stop acting like a bitch and shut up, we're trying to investigate something here" he gritted his teeth and spoke as he pinched his nose, the angel comedically widened his eyes and raised his hands in defense

"Yeah man, yeah man, chill, chill, we cool" lowering his arms he slunk into the spot next to Yoongi, silence enveloping them as one carefully checked their surroundings while the other idly walked alongside him

"So like, what's the deal with you and Jimin?" He was met with a deep inhale and sharp exhale

"what's the deal with Jimin and Hoseok?" His eye began to twitch

"What's the deal with Jimin!?" He finally snapped

"Would you shut the fuck up Taehyung, Christ why wont you just. shut. up." He stood there shaking the bewildered angel back and forth

"You-might-want-to-be-quiet" his voice fading in and out as Yoongi continued to shake him, raising a finger he pointed to his left as the other looked at him with a raised angry brow
Both their heads slowly turning to see large yellow eyes staring back at them, the creature hunched over the body of a now shredded human, its teeth and nails covered in the poor deceased's organs and blood, standing it slowly walked towards them tilting its head and sniffing the air, both boys stood there frozen, Yoongi carefully turning his guns safety off, the air was tense, wendigos were cannibals and it didn't matter if you were a human or a supernatural, as long as you had some meat you were good enough to eat
Yoongi couldn't help but notice how wide Taehyung's eyes were, his chest tightened as a protective instinct took over his mind, he mentally cursed himself as he regretted bringing the other along, he forgot that for most of his life Taehyung led the sheltered life of an innocent angel, only recently had he discovered the dark things in his father's cruel world

"Tae listen, you have to be calm and quiet right now okay, no sudden movements, I don't want you to get hurt" Yoongi's voice was laced with an unfamiliar concern, this whole worrying for others thing (ESPECIALLY a supernaturals) was new to him, he received nothing but silence from Taehyung, his eyes wide and bottom lip quivering slightly
Worry covered Yoongi's face, this wasn't meant to happen, they were just meant to be investigating a rumour, nothing more, he would of never of brought him along if he thought this could happen, he moved ever so slightly towards the angel carefully grabbing his elbow, the movement causing the wendigo to jolt ever so slightly at them

"Tae, are you okay?"

"You..." Yoongi looked at him puzzled

"You....." his face dropped in confusion

'Me?" He whispered back


"You're so fucking ugly" Taehyung scrunched his nose up and pointed towards the wendigo


The two panting boys left the building, hair matted with brain matter, faces and clothing covered in blood and wendigo slime, one sporting a rather large bite out of his stomach, clutching his side Taehyung fell to the ground, his chest rising and falling heavily, his blood seeping into the dirt below him, his fearful gaze meeting that of Yoongi's dead stare, he sniffled, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes

"This is it Yoongs" he choked back a sob

"It's so cold..." Yoongi looked on at the angel with no emotion

"Thank you for trying to save me-" he let out a pained cry as he squirmed in agony, the other just taking in a deep breath

"I... I can see it, the light's beautiful" he slowly raised an arm towards the sky, his delicate hand beginning to fade from this world as the smallest orbs of light started to surrounded him

Yoongi could only roll his eyes, folding his arms as Taehyung smiled gently at him, trying to reassure him that everything will be okay

"Your dads going to be pissed" a loud laugh was heard

"Oh without a doubt"

"How long this time?

"Eh, I've gotten pretty used to this because of Jungkook, I'll probably heal in a day or two" he sat forward propping himself up on his elbows while shrugging

"Cool, so I'll tell his liver eating ass you'll be back in a few days?"

"Yeah man sounds good to me" he raised his hand to his head saluting Yoongi and with that Taehyung's body disappeared in a stream of lights
Yoongi watched as the lights faded into the night, he took a deep breath and started to make his way home


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