Meeting the Incubus

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  This had not been how Yoongi thought his day would go
He had entered the old worn out building after a trail of information had led him here
Upon entering however he had found his gaze settled on a young grey haired boy
He had intended to question him, the young male however seemed to have other intentions

"F-fuck-" Yoongi's ragged breaths broke through the silence of the room as he squirmed under the boy who was suddenly straddling him, sucking slowly on his neck, he had his hands on both the elders shoulders, his surprising strength making sure Yoongi could not push him off, the small boy continued his relentless attack on the strangers neck leaving large, red and irritated marks on his pale skin, he moved up along his neck towards his jaw and continued to lick and lightly bite the boy until his captured had let out a deep moan causing his attacker to smirk against his skin, he continued his assault trailing a hand down the man's torso slightly tearing at his clothes with his long nails, the younger began to roll his hips deeply and harshly at the other causing the pale blonde to whimper and moan every time their members met and caused friction between the two, the boys hand had found its way to elders waistband, he began to expertly undo his belt and unzip his victims pants
"S-Stop, fuck, p-lease-" the man's breath caught in his throat as he begged the other to stop, his pleas were ignored as he felt the cold hand against his sensitive skin earning a deep a shallow gasp from him which made the demon grin and look into the pained eyes of his prey, he began to palm the man watching delightfully at every little moan and every little squirm he made, he moved closer to the man, their chests touching and draped an arm around his neck as he began to make out with the poor blonde, the demon had complete control over him, harshly biting at his bottom lip, tasting the others odd blood, harshly gripping his member causing him to loudly moan and to have broken breathing, or so he thought
He wasn't sure how it happened but he was harshly pushed away his back hitting the cold floor, his eyes meeting a gun as he quickly sat up, the man before him looked enraged as he fixed himself up
"Speak" he deeply seethed as he took the safety off his weapon, the boys eyes showing a great deal of fear he began to stutter and made himself look smaller by curling into himself and raising his hands in a surrender
"w-what do you-" he was harshly cut off by the now intimidating man
"what the fuck was that-" he scowled putting much emphasis on his curses, the boy began to tremble as his tears brimmed his eyes
"O-oh god, I-Im so sorry" he began to gently sob his grey hair falling into his eyes, the elder sighed and lowered his weapon, crouching to be at the same height as the scared boy
"You're not human are you-" the boy quickly shook his head and cowered into himself more
"So what are you then?" The younger snapped his head up, his red teary eyes meeting soft, calm grey eyes
"I-incubus" he softly and shamefully replied, Yoongi made a frustrated clicking sound and ran his hand through his hair
"You live here?" He calmly asked, the younger slowly nodding as a reply
"Any family?" The boy again only replying by shaking his head
"You... you uh... do that to every stranger...?" He awkwardly asked rubbing the nape of his neck
The boy looked at him wide eyed and fearful
"...if... if i do that... they can't kill me first" Yoongi felt his chest tighten as he heard the boys soft words, he was no different to the blonde standing before him, surviving however he could
"What's your name?" He softly asking moving to sit next to the boy who flinched away a little
"Jimin..." he replied in a soft whisper, Yoongi sighed and brought his hand up to pat the boys head
"Well Jimin... I'm going to make sure you never have to do that ever again" the two sat there in a soft silence, the only sounds were the sobs of happiness that escaped a young Jimins lips  

Jimin had been with Yoongi for two years now, helping him out however he could, in his eyes he owed Yoongi his life, the other had helped Jimin out in many ways, true to his words all those years ago Yoongi made sure Jimin never had to do any of that again, but, that doesn't mean he was afraid to speak up against the boy when he was out of line 
"Yoongi you can't just kill him!" Jimin had his arms spread out as he stood defensivly in front of the young man on the floor behind him
"Get the fuck out of the way Jimin-"
"Yoongi I said we can't kill him!" by this point Jimin's eyes had pooled into a deep black showing just have strongly he felt about his decision and how much Yoongi's stubborness was pissing him off 
"He's a fucking demon Jimin- move!"

"Well so am I  Yoongi! So what are you going to do shoot me too!?" silence fell over the alleyway as Yoongi groaned and lowered his gun and pulled at his hair in frustration 
"So y'all like.. fuckin or something?" both their heads snapped towards the confused brunette 

"I'm going to kill him-"

AN: Welcome to the first ever chapter written for this book with some added bits that will lead into the next chapter, I wonder who they've met next (eyes emoji)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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