-The Beach-

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First chapter! We're starting off with something familiar kay? :)

This book originally belongs to ch3rry0wl! So please check her book out first!!.

Characters included : the four RKs, Hank, Robo Jesus + his three followers.

--The Beach--

Did Hank knew this would happen? Yes, did he do anything about it? Perhaps, did he regretted it? Absolutely.

He could only hold his can of beer under a tree whilst his four sons- and their friends played volleyball, extreme, volleyball. Extreme.

Four of Cyberlife's most advance android detectives vs four multibackground androids whom started the revolution of the century. This was awesome, this was scary, and Hank could only watch by the sidelines.

It was in the middle of May 2041 when he had suggested that they all took the weekend off at a beach he used to visit, the four then invited the other four- on the way there it was peaceful, no bickering, no fights, just some casual conversation followed with a chess match between Markus and Conan- we don't talk about winners here. Speaking of winning and losing- since the game had started, the ball never touched the ground. Both teams worked together in harmony and yet the smell of competition brew strong.

They all took their strategic possition. Josh and Conan were at the back due to their height, Markus and Simon in the middle row along with opposing being Colin and Connor, and finally, North as well as Colton took the very front. They competitive glares they sent each other from time to time was nothing but playful.

Too bad Gavin couldn't come with, he would have enjoyed this. Conan thought, in the midst of a dodge. Actually no, he would have just yelled some discriminating words to the opposing team. But he still wanted to show him and  unfortunately- despite being equipped with the latest technology, Conan couldn't record things and transfer them into an Mp4 file. Cyberlife was focusing more on his detective and phisycal atributes, forgetting that recording events would be needed.

"Is that all you've got!?" Colton you little shit, if talking wouldn't divert his focus- he would've said it.

A malicious smile made it's way to North's lips, the red head was indeed good at the game. Her past smashes nearly costing the brothers a few times- saved due to Connor's fast reflexes.

"Oh no-" Colin mumbled, when Conan dodged the ball, the trajectory was headed to that redhead. "Ah shit-" Connor cursed.

She jumped when the ball was still in mid air, the other Jericho members had their mouths agape. That moment- slowed down? Would have been epic. Connor was rushing, his LED circling bright and red. It was too late- he was too slow, her fisted hand practically punched the ball. With a loud thud from said ball and a grunt from Connor, after getting a face full of sand, the game was declared over.

Hank didn't knew if he should be worrying over the fact that his son had a face full of dirt, or the fact that the match was awesome- too awesome. And he recorded it all on his GoPro that stood hidden beneath the bags he brought filled with clothes and basic essentials.

Cheers, cheers rang out between the revolutionary androids. Whilst laughs were shared between the brothers, well, except for Connor that is. Colton was crouching down to Connor, apologizing between laughs as he tried to get the still lying face down android to get up. Conan, despite not really laughing that much, still let out some- what do you call it? Chuckles.
Colin could only stand near Connor and the eldest android, a toothy smile painted his lips.

"Good game everyone," Markus said. Circling around the net to shake hands, Markus was a sport, he was humble- his ex-girlfriend? She was a tHOT, emphasis on that HOT by the way.  She had Josh in a bone-crushing hug, the taller man had a pained expression but maintained a nervous smile. Our lil' gay piece of ass was ducking under the net to shake hands as well, being the repectful and sportive person he is.

They all shook hands and made ammends, getting along as well as teenagers on summer vacation. Colton and North- yeah it took a while to get the two to actually shake hands, but they did in the end, with of course much more pressuasion on Colton's side.

Josh noticed the sad look in the youngest android's eyes, he them booped Markus' shoulder and gestured by pointing his thumb at the tall detective, Markus then booped Connor's shoulder and did the same.

"Oh," was the first thing he said before nodding.

This all happened in front of Simon and Colin (who is really confused on what's going on but understood once Simon explained.) Conan was talking to North, apologizing for the first smash he did that almost hit her head, North in return also apologized, sarcastically, for punching him the first time she met him.

Hank has been sitting under an umbrella and drinking yet another beer can, he was still watching, and his GoPro was still recording. Which reminds him- he better hide it before the others see, not that there would be any severe consequence. Wait, no, Colton would most probably try to delete the data due to his lack of... well, use, in the entire 33 minutes and 12 seconds of said match.

"Hey Hank," Colin walked up to the man whom gave him a roof. "You recorded all of it correct? The match?"

Hank spat out his beer.

Extra :

'Breaking News, a viral video on YouTube has just surficed. A four vs four volleyball match between the androids who started the extraordinary revolution that happened just 2 years ago, and 4 of Cyberlife's very first and elite series of android detectives. The match lasted for exactly 33 minutes and a few seconds before ending with a smashing hit by the android leader's ex-girlfriend, North. Talk about girl power am I right Janet?'

Only Colin showed up to work the next day.

Excuse me, I had so much fun, thank you.

And I'm terribly sorry for the late update, life is hell, and hard, and short. So yEET

Hank and The RK Brothers [CONTINUATION]Where stories live. Discover now