Holidays (Christmas Chapter)

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Play the vid above for some holiday feels, I made this bit while listening to it LMAO. Also, since I live so far east... I get an extra day to write this! I feel so... devious? IDK, this is also why I can never contribute with monthly prompt challenges.


[December 16'th 2041]

Despite the ever nearing holiday, everyone in the department seemed to be so... ignorant of it. With a new group of anti-android protester gaining more and more supporter day by day, everyone was kept on the edge of their seats. Both the lieutenant and Connor were busy with all the android homicides, Det. Reed and Conan were also busy searching the lost android children that had been their main objective for about 5 weeks now, Colin was assigned to a different precinct due to a shortage of staff there, and Colton was almost always with Officer Chen and Miller on patrol.

Needless to say, their first winter together was going to be... uneventful, in a way.

"This sucks," an android grumbled.

"You got that right," the female responded with a tired sigh.

"Chin up guys, our shift ends in about half an hour." Chris offered a hot cup of joe to Tina, she accepted it with a halfway smile.

"What're you two doing for Christmas?"

"Promised Elli that I'd be home for it, can't miss my first Christmas with my son y'know?"

Tina and Colton smiled at his plans, Colton looking down at his shows after a few seconds, the sounds of the train speeding away drowned Tina's next words. his thoughts occupied his senses, what would he do this Christmas? noting that it'd be his first one with his... brothers, and Hank.

"Colton... hey, Cols." A gentle shake by the shoulder snapped him from his train of thought.

"What is it?" His voice came out as gentle with a little shake, Tina frowned. "You okay buddy?"

Despite the spinning yellow LED on his forehead and Chris' worried glance, Colton answered with a level of calmness- and even excitement in his voice.

"I was just thinking what me and my brothers could do, we have discussed about taking a day off on the 25'th but... Conan seemed really focused on the case he's been working on with Detective Reed, I'm not sure, maybe we'll just watch some Christmas movies and home and relax."

"Boooooring," a slap on the shoulder. "Tina! That's not very nice."

Colton wheezed at his companions banter, they could really lighten him up when he needed it, or when they wanted to.

"In all seriousness, we should get back on patrol."

"BOOOOOOORIIIIING-", another smack resonated in the cold December air.

[December 20'th 2041]

"Hey Cons," the 'younger android called from the living room as his older counterpart was making inner for the lieutenant.

His call was answered with a hum, "I think we should do something this Christmas."

Connor abruptly stopped chopping the carrots, he turned his head to look at his counterpart. What in the world would they do for Christmas? Not only were cases giving them a handful, but Hank wouldn't really be too... excited for their idea. Why did Colin brought this up?


"Yep," Colin replied. Popping the 'p' at the end.

Connor sighed, it was the 20'th and in five days he doubt they could do much. But Colton was... worth it, he supposes. Out of all of them, Colton had contributed so much to this little make-shift family over the year. Not only did he get Colin, Conan, and Hank to get along. But somehow he managed to get the group to take a 'family picture' and said picture could be seen in; the living room- beside Cole's, on Hank's nightstand and desk back at the DPD, Conan and Colin's nightstand (which they owned respectively), as well as Connor and Colton's desk at the DPD. They had never been so close before Colton, they owed him, a lot.

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