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tony's p.o.v

i've been sat with rosie for a few hours. i want to be right here if anything changes, i want to be here when she wakes up. though i was desperate for some change, i wasn't exactly expecting it.

"mars i'm scared" i hear a small voice whisper. my eyes immediately scan rosalie's face for any sign of consciousness. 

i almost think i imagined it at first, but then she spoke again.

"i know but.. what if she gets mad".

"rosalie? can you hear me?" i place a hand on her arm and shake her gently "rosa?".

she lets out a small giggle "if you're right then i'm really going to miss you".

"rosie?!" i start to panic, completely out of my depth. i have absolutely no idea what's going on.

"i will, i will" her voice trails off into a whisper again and she shakes off the slight sad tone in her voice "well, wish me luck mars bars".

i give up trying to wake her as it becomes evident that she can't hear me, it's almost as though she's in her own world. i quickly text pepper and the number of the doctor that she gave me as she continues to talk to herself.

"mama i need to talk to you"

"well, i love it here, i do, but i need to go home"

that particular sentence peaks my interest, what is going on in her head?

"i mean home home, as in earth, malibu"

"you stole me mama, and it was fine before because my daddy was away but he's back now and he's worried i can feel it and i need to go home"

"it isn't fair i know, but he needs me and i miss him"

"please let me go home" her lip quivers and tears start to wet her lashes through her closed eyes. not knowing what else to do, i place my hand on her shoulder and attempt to comfort her with the usual murmurs, wiping away the stray tears that roll down her cheeks.

"i'll miss you too" she whimpers "i'll come back i promise, i'll come back soon".

"i love you mama" a small smile tugs at her lips, and then she flat lines.

i've never panicked so much in my entire life. there's nothing worse than the feeling of losing a child, nothing at all. but before i can do anything, her eyes are open and the regular beeps resume.

rosalie's p.o.v

i blink a few times, adjusting myself to the light. as soon as i can see the ceiling above me, i turn my head. he's exactly where i knew he would be, sat in the chair next to my bed. worry lines crease his forehead, one arm outstretched and gripping my left shoulder.

"rosie can you hear me? are you feeling okay? does anything hurt?"

i ignore his questions, pushing myself up to sit as i take everything in.

"hey take it easy kiddo" dad frowns and keeps his grip tight on my shoulder "how are you feeling?".

i glare at him "do you have any idea how dangerous that tin can thing was, when you fell out of the sky i thought you were dead!".

"wh- how the hell did you know about that?" shock fills his voice and expression and i grin.

"i know about everything, i was watching.. you are okay aren't you?" i frown.

"yes i'm fi- what about you? you should be telling me if you're okay, you just died on me for a moment there rose i thought we made a deal never to leave each other" he furrows his eyebrows and checks me over with his eyes.

"i'm fine, i was with mama and mars and venus and saturn and thor and loki and odin and frigga and everyone else on asgard and they called me lady raea and gave me fancy dresses and threw a party for me and did magic" i ramble, stopping myself when i have a sudden sharp pain in my head and back. i close my eyes tightly as it shoots through my nerves.

"what's wrong?" panic rises immediately in daddy's voice, i just shake my head in response. gulping the pain down, i act as if nothing happened.

"nothing, i'm fine".

dad raises an eyebrow "tiny you need to tell me if something hurts so we can tell the doctor and he can check you over".

i shake my head "nothing hurts".

i know for a fact that a doctor would find nothing if he checked, because i wasn't ill i was just not here. almost like leaving your house for a few months, people can ring the doorbell but you won't answer because you're somewhere else. people on earth tried to wake me, but i was on asgard and so i didn't hear or respond.

i can tell that my dad doesn't believe me, but it doesn't matter because he drops the subject. "sounds like you had one hell of a dream" he smiles.

i can't help but laugh "it wasn't a dream, i thought so at first but everything made sense and mama told me that you'd come home and you did and so i had to too" .

he nods slowly before a silence settles around us momentarily "you're feeling okay though, right? you need to tell me if you feel sick or something hurts you" he checks again. i hope he doesn't keep this confused over-protective thing up too long because i'm not sure how long i'll be able to handle it.

"i'm good, i'm really glad you're home" i let a smile form on my lips and he smiles back, shifting so he can pull me into a hug.

we have to be careful because of the drip in my arm and tube in my nose, but we eventually manage to position ourselves so that he's sat on the bed and i'm pretty much lying in his lap. dad strokes my hair with one hand and the other arm wraps around my chest. i feel safe and secure, i've missed this feeling. as much as i loved asgard and being with the other side of my family, i missed my daddy so much.

"you really scared me you know" my dad mumbles as he holds onto me tightly.

i nod before resting my head back on his chest "you scared me too, i thought i was alone".

"oh rosie" he squeezes me tighter "i'm so sorry for leaving you".

"it's okay, i'm sorry for leaving you as well".

i mean the words, but i'm a little distracted by the glow i've just noticed is shining through his t-shirt. "daddy.." i lift my head away from his chest again "what's that?" i stare at it. the blue glow is very different to the red glow he sported a few months ago, this one doesn't give me a weird vibe or scare me to the point of hysteria.

a grimace shows on my dad's face as he looks down at it himself. "you know the big glowy thing at stark industries?".

"the arc reactor" i confirm, slightly offended that he's treating me like i'm stupid.

dad chuckles "yes, the arc reactor, sorry cub. it's basically that, but smaller, and in my chest".

"but why" i maintain eye contact with him, trying to act as though i'm staring straight into his soul, a technique which uncle loki taught me.

he stares back at me for a moment, but stops after a moment, shifting a little so he can lift up his shirt. "a bomb exploded quite close to me, little pieces of it are in my blood stream and without it, they'd go into my heart".

i stare at it with wide eyes, tentatively brushing my fingers over it. "you're sure you're okay?" i lower my voice as i observe the glowing object. my dad pulls me closer to him, letting his t-shirt drop.

"as long as i've got you, tiny, i'll be absolutely fine".


so thoughts at the moment? i'm probably going to try and update the rest of this before monday cause i'm flying to italy so let me know if you want that.

has your opinon on rosalie changed? what do you think about the whole goddess thing?

where do you think her powers will develop from here?



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