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rosie's p.o.v

"come on kid you've got to wake up, please roo". words break through the temporary wall i subconsciously built up and i feel my eyelids flutter. my senses are going haywire, as if i'm surrounded by some kind of danger, but when i actually open my eyes it doesn't seem like i'm in any danger at all. i'm lying on a couch, both dad and some random kid leaning over me. 

"oh thank god" dad runs a hand down his face and i just stare. what else am i supposed to do, do i introduce myself to the kid? do i ask where i am? honestly at the moment i don't want to say anything for fear of my voice cracking and it being really awkward. "you were asleep for a while, have a nice rest?" my dad finally asks sarcastically and i roll my eyes, sitting up. my head spins a little but apart from that i don't feel too bad. i scan over the room i'm in. it's kind of dark, giving off half cosy and half depressing vibes. this definitely isn't one of my dad's places, what with the rotting beams in the ceiling and the worn rug by the fireplace. besides, it has too much character to be one of my dad's places, those penthouses full of glass and white tiles.

"how long?" i sigh and rub my eyes to try and get rid of the slight teary film which is making the world blurry. the boy seems absolutely fascinated with me and dad, which is kind of sweet but i'm in that state where i've been rudely awakened and my body doesn't want to communicate yet. a sudden sting shoots through my cheek as my hand brushes over a fairly deep cut and when i hold it front of my face i see blood on the tips of my fingers "oh" i mumble absent-mindedly.

a sad smile brushes itself across dad's face and he sits down on the couch next to me, taking hold of my hand and bringing it away from my cheek. "a couple of days, i had to scoop you out of the ocean". oh yeah, that's what happened. flashes of our house literally crumbling to pieces throw themselves into my mind, pepper screaming and dad yelling my name. i think that pep was in the iron man suit with my baby brother in her arms, also dragging that random woman out of the door. 

i nod as the memories flood themselves in "not the longest i've been asleep". my brain is working at one hundred miles an hour as i try to piece together everything that happened "i didn't drown, how the hell didn't i drown?" because when i think about it, i definitely should have. i was underwater for a long time, too long, and i know how drowning works, i should have been in pain. i definitely, definitely should have drowned. it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.

"i think it might be a goddess thing" dad shrugs "jarvis couldn't find any damage at all, he did however tell me that you passed out from exhaustion and that there's a war going on on asgard". our eyes are locked and i can tell he's hurt that i didn't tell him, not that i was given much of a chance. i was home for about two minutes before we got bombed and i was thrown into the sea, so i think he should cut me a bit of slack. guilt still washes over me though, and i know i owe him an explanation. 

however, i don't get a chance because the boy suddenly explodes into a torrent of excitement "you're a goddess?! that's so cool! i've never met a goddess before, can you do magic? do you know thor? he can make thunder, can you make thunder? can you do it now? if you could that would be so cool, did you help in new york? can you tell me how you defeated the horns guy?". his eyes are literal orbs, lighting up more with every word and i have to prevent myself from fully laughing at his unbelievable energy, but the mention of new york makes my dad tense beside me and i decide to avoid that specific question.

"yeah i um.. i'm a goddess.. i can't make thunder but i know thor" i answer carefully. to be honest dad and i have never really discussed how much information i tell people, and so i have to cautious. i suppose even if it did get out, not many people would believe this kid anyway. "i can do some magic, but i'm still working on perfecting it" i suppose it's not really a lie, the 'magic' i can do isn't perfected. i could still carry it out, but i'm mostly just avoiding it in front of him.

we sit in awkward silence for a moment before a smile tugs at dad's lips as his eyes catch something. i try to follow his line of sight but can't see what it is he's looking at. "hey roo, you know you're dead?". i pull a face, not entirely sure what he's talking about at all. "everyone thinks you're dead, right?". i nod slowly, still not certain where he's going with this. "well" he continues, leaning across me to grab a newspaper which is on the arm of the couch, he sits back and holds it up proudly "i am too now".

i can't help but let out a small laugh "wonderful". it's just funny to me how quick people are to assume that we died, and we could easily disappear off of the face of the earth without any questions being asked. i grow solemn again when i think about pepper and jupiter though "pep.. and jupes are they.. are they alright?".

dad nods without a word "they're okay, pepper got both of them out of the house in the suit before i went after you". 

"so... now what?".

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