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Rosie's p.o.v

And so with that, I become Rosalie Astraea Harmonia Atlanta Nyx Nova Potts-Stark. 

It was a bit of an ordeal, working out how to do the whole name thing. I considered keeping Nova as a surname, but Nova-Potts-Stark is really taking the piss. Instead, I had it changed and added to my already existing four middle names. 

Clint and the rest of the avengers think that my name is hilarious. Nat knew about it for ages before but I hadn't felt the need to tell anyone else. It's not so much my name that they find funny, more so the fact that my dad picked such an extravagant and over-the-top name.

They don't really know about my mum. 

Speak of the devil, I know she's angry.

She isn't happy that i've replaced her with Pepper, she isn't happy that i've changed my name, she isn't happy that i've chosen Earth with my real family over her.

She isn't happy and i'm going to pay for it somehow. 

So that's why i'm sat, by myself, in the living room at three am. 

I can't sleep because the eerie red glowing that surrounds me is too much to sleep on. I can't ignore the constant sinking in my stomach that implies that at any moment i'm going to be stabbed or shot or thrown out of the window.

I can't sleep because I have to be on guard, I have to be ready to fight back. Or not, I at least want to be able to see it coming. I'd rather not wake up to a knife in my stomach.

I'm not really sure how it happened but I find myself surrounded by these things.. it's hard to explain. They're like lights, but they move and they speak. I sound crazy, although that's nothing new since the first incident when I was seven. I usually sound crazy.

Sometimes I have to wonder whether or not any of this goddess and iron man stuff really is real or if I am actually insane, I'm not sure which I'd prefer. 

They're forming people, some kind of army. They're holding weapons, screaming, shouting. I'm in the centre of it all, but I'm not really there. They can't see me. I can move the lights if I want to, a flick of my wrist and they'll fly across the room. It's kind of entrancing, but terrifying at the same time.

"Whoa, what the hell is that?"

At the sound of a voice I clap my hands together, the lights disappearing into thin air. 

I snap my head around to see Clint in the doorway. Of course at least one of these weird super people would be up at an ungodly hour.

"Nothing" I mumble, looking back at the spot where the projections were. I don't really have the energy to come up with a convincing lie.

The archer tuts from his position in the doorway and I hear him walk across the room towards me, followed by the telltale sinking of the couch next to me "I might not be as clever as you or your dad, but I know nothing when I see it, and that wasn't that".

I look up at him for a moment, contemplating the consequences of explaining my heritage, eventually settling for "it's complicated".

Clint seems to think about this for a second "That's okay, I can do complicated".

"My mom's mad at me" I whisper, my eyes shifting to where the lights were again.

He snorts, earning a glare "Doesn't sound complicated", but when he notices my frown he resigns "sorry.. Pepper?".

"No" I mumble, and that's all it really takes for him to realise that it's a little more serious. His posture changes, his face a little harder. "She's not dead" I start, that's usually a good place to start when explaining my mom "She's a goddess, like Thor but female. It's where I got my wings from.. and the other stuff. We had a bit of an ordeal when the Mandarin stuff happened and I realised that she's not a very good mom to me.. and now i've changed my name and I don't have hers anymore.. she's mad".

"Has she told you this?".

I shake my head "She doesn't need to, I can feel it".

"Does your dad know?" he asks, his voice a little more lecturing.

"Absolutely not" I respond quickly "He'd end up starting a war with Asgard and that wouldn't end well.. no he.. he can't know".

Silence settles over the room for a few minutes, neither of us really sure what to do or say. I don't blame him. Clint Barton is used to kids who have bullies at school, or homework that they can't answer, or grazes on their knees that bled a little more than usual. He isn't used to me, my kinds of problems. He might be a dad, but he's never had to deal with a hybrid and the issues I bring.

"So what about the light things? What are they?" he queries, his voice ringing through the silent room. I'm glad he asked really, it prevents my thoughts getting too loud.

I shrug slightly "I don't really know, I've never seen them before" I admit "But sometimes I can see the future so they're probably something to do with that".

Silence drowns us once again, but this time I'm the one to break it.

"My mom kidnapped me when I was eight, on my birthday". 

I'm not really sure why I decided that that was the best course for our conversation to follow but there's no turning back now.

"My dad had been kidnapped too, he was in Afghanistan and Pepper was already going out of her mind" I pause whilst I wince at the memory of her tear-streaked cheeks and worried shouts as she found my limp body on the floor, surrounded by glass "I was small and naive and didn't really understand the fact that she just took me straight out of my home, they loved me in Asgard and I thought it was the best thing ever.. then dad came home and they didn't want to let me go back. They didn't speak to me for two years after that, and only then to crown me as Guardian of Earth because my mom had another hybrid child and was forced to step down".

Clint has stayed quiet the whole time, and he wraps an arm around my shoulders as a few stray tears escape my eyes.

"It's just hard when you realise that some people, who you thought the world of, don't really love you at all. You're just another minion, someone who'll do whatever they ask.. pathetic really" I drag my hand through my hair and take a deep breath before shaking myself off "but I've had enough, I'm moving on and she can't stop me".

With that, I go to my room and I fall asleep.

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