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rosie's p.o.v

i certainly wasn't expecting to be shoved onto a jet at 2 am but there's not much you can do as an exhausted eight year old against a grown man.

"tony! be gentle she's exhausted and i don't want her face planting" pepper scolds him, pushing between us and placing a soothing hand on my back.

"m'don't wanna go" i mumble sleepily, rubbing my eyes and dragging my feet to a soft chair which i throw myself down in.

"i know cubs but we can't leave you alone" pepper smiles sympathetically and sits down opposite me. i make note of the fact that she's using my dad's nickname for me. funny, cause last time that kind of thing happened was when my dad was away, but he isn't away now.. well, not really. he's here, but he's not the dad i know, he's not really my dad right now.

i grumble and pull my legs up to my chest, curling myself into a ball as tight as i can and resting my chin on my knees with a sigh. i'm cold and tired and i hate everything in this moment.

dad has sat himself across the spacious plane, alcohol already in hand as well as his phone which his eyes are glued to as if he doesn't even have a child. rosie who? pretty sure i don't know a rosie, maybe you dreamt that up too you insane child.

i roll my eyes and bite my lip, resigning to stare out of the window. i've always liked flying, the sensation of being in the air and knowing that any problems are miles below you. that's not really the case right now though, because my problem is currently lounging across the couch taking occasionally swigs from his glass.

"you should get some sleep rosie, you've got a long day tomorrow" pepper advises and i know she's right, so i rest my face against the cool window and let myself relax enough to drift off.


i'm rudely awakened by the bright flash of a camera which seeps through my eyelids and temporarily blinds me.

"keep your head down rose, press" dad's voice mumbles and i assume it's him that's carrying me.

i honestly have no idea how to feel about him at the moment, but these mood swings are really taking a toll on my head. i have no idea when i can speak or joke with my dad for fear of him turning around and shouting at me or just blanking me completely.

"you good?" he asks me once we're inside. i frown at him for a second before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "rosalie are you good?" he repeats, this time more firm.

i nod and wriggle, indicating that i want to be put down. i was intending to move away from him but he takes my hand in his, giving it a small squeeze before leading me through the foyer of the building.

happy, pepper, and natasha are a few steps behind and i shoot a desperate look to my sub-mom. pepper forces a fake smile back and i heave a sigh as i realise that she isn't about to help me out.

as soon as i realise that we're at a racetrack event full of rich people, my mood drops even lower. i resort to wondering around by myself, sipping on a juice box which happy provided, and imagining scenarios in which i didn't get dragged to monaco. there's many, and i got enough sleep in every single one.

i'm beginning to think that the atmosphere will never pick up, that is until natasha grabs my arm and yanks me through the crowd. she must be a very good assassin because i didn't even notice her approaching, it's comforting to know she's gifted at her job.

"what the h-" i start to protest but i'm not given the chance to finish my sentence because my jaw goes slack when i see the tv screen. there, in all of his smug, rich glory, is my dad, in a race car, on the track.

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