Chapter 12

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After telling me the news, Lucifer showed me how happy he was. We stayed in our room celebrating our new bundle of joy.

Next day, maids and Amy were still behaving oblivious to the situation. But when Lucifer told them that I know, they jumped in happiness. They hugged me. Some maids even brought gifts. I was so touched. They were more like a family. Everyone was beaming with joy. I wonder how Mr and Mrs Salvatore will react to this news.

Later, I called Bella. Lucifer told me that she also knew the news.
"Was I was the only one not knowing about my pregnancy? " I asked Lucifer.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead lightly, "That is because when you fainted, everyone was here. Bella didn't left your side for a second".

Speaking of fainting, I remember Claire. I really wanted to know if she was okay. But didn't have the guts to ask Lucifer. So I let it go.

While we were talking, Bella came. She was exultant. She hugged the life out of me.

"Bella, you are crushing me".
She released me and said, "Girl! I'm so happy for you, May. You're gonna have a baby. Oh god, I'm so happy for you", again she took me into a light hug.

Then Lucifer's phone rang and he excused himself. Bella and I were talking were about her shop. I asked how was it going, and she said, "Good. Sometimes it do gives me a hard time but the workers are amazing. And since, I'm the owner, I do boss around", then she winked at me.
"I just hope they won't call you the mean boss" I said, laughing, when Lucifer came back. He said something came up and he have to go.

"Take care. Call me if anything happens" saying this, he kissed me and nodded to Bella and went out. Bella was looking at us with adoration. As soon as Lucifer left, she said "Awww. You both are so whipped". I giggled and blushed hard.
She continued, "You know yesterday, when you lost consciousness, he became so worried. He literally went mad. But when the doctor said the reason behind your unconsciousness, I think he was the happiest man on earth. His eyes were shining with love towards you. And he was smiling like crazy " Bella laughed.

'And here I was, thinking Lucifer don't want a baby. Stupid me"

After talking about stuff, I finally asked her about Claire.
"Wh-what happen to Claire?". Bella stopped drinking her hot chocolate and looked at me with narrow eyes.
"Don't you dare to worry about that bitch. She don't deserve our pity. That fucking woman tried to kill you. She's a bitch, a fucking wh-".
"Hey hey, slow down. It's okay if you don't want to tell me"
"I don't to talk about that woman" se huffed and angrily drank her hot chocolate.

Suddenly, I started laughing. She looked at me like I've grown two heads. I controlled my laugh and said "So-sorry. It's just, ahem, it's just you remember me of Sebastian. He is a lot like you". Hearing this, Bella's frown was replaced by a cute blush. I know something is up with this two, so I decided to carry on, "You know, he's amazing. He's so caring and funny and loving. Ironically, he has everything you ever wanted in a your man. Oh and he has amazing looks. I bet women are dying for him. But I wonder, who does he want? I bet she'll be luc-".

"Okay stop. I know what you're doing. Ugh, stop talking about him". Till now, Bella's face was on fire and she was using her hair to hide her blush. I smirked and leaned back relaxing, "Then tell me what I want to know. What did I missed? ". I had to bite my lips to stop grinning like crazy.

She cleared her throat and squeezed her eyes closed, "Wehavehadadate".
I was shocked.

'Okay....  What was that? '

I nod my head lightly and said, "Ohkay.....  So let's try this again, but slower this time. What did you just said".

She sighed heavily and said, "We... Me and Sebastian, went for a date".
"What?", I nearly shouted, "When?"
"Last weekend "
"And you are telling me this now?"
"May, I'm sorry I didn't told you but it... It was a trick...a..a trap"
"Look, he lied to me. He said it was some family gathering or something. But later I got to know that it was a date" Bella said, whispering the last part.
"So how does it end? "
"Me on his bed. Basically, we end up having sex"

'Now, I didn't see that one coming'

"Alright. So, ahem, how was he? "
She looked at me, surprised and gasped loudly, "May, you want to know about the sex? Well then, I won't lie b-"
"Stop. I was not asking about your night genius. I am asking how was he, as in person. Did he treat you alright?"

Then Bella blushed again and smiled lightly,  "He was amazing. He remembered everything. My likes, dislikes. It was like he knows me better than me". She was grinning as she remembered her date.

"Now tell me who is whipped?" I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest. She stopped smiling and hit me on my arm lightly. I laughed out loud and started teasing her some more.

"Should I give him another chance?" she asked me all of a sudden. I know this was serious this time. I smiled at her and cupped her hand, "Bella, do what makes you happy. Although I want you two to be together, I won't force you. It's your life honey. I want you both happy. And I know, deep down there, you still love him as much as he loves you. So take your time. Sebastian can wait. You worth it" I smiled and winked at her.

She hugged me and said, "You'll become a great mother, May". We laughed again.

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