Chapter 25

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The more days went by, the more I get crazy with my hormones. I crave weird foods. I become emotional at tiny tiny talks. I cry my heart out all of a sudden, without knowing the cause and now I'm angry at Lucifer.

Why? Well I'm angry because he's five minutes late. He should have reached home five minutes ago but he's not here yet.

I keep getting this stupid thoughts of him cheating on me. I think he doesn't love me anymore even though he says it millions of times a day. I hate when he's away from me.

Currently I'm sitting on our bed with my back to the headboard, watching Sherlock Holmes. And I don't know why the hell on earth, I'm close to tears.

'What is wrong with you woman!'

Suddenly our bedroom door opened and Lucifer entered. His smile was wiped off when he noticed my glossy eyes and pouty face.

He rushed to my side and cupped my face, shooting questions.
"Love are you okay? What's the matter? Why are you crying? Do you want to go to the hospital? Are you in pain?"
He kept asking multiple questions but I didn't reply to any of those.

"Why are you so late? You know I've been waiting for you for the past five minutes" I yelled at him, pushing his hands away. "You are seeing someone else, don't you? You don't love me anymore. Who is that woman? He's from your work right?" I said crying like a school girl.

Lucifer lost his words. He just watched me like I was some kind of alien. I hiccupped repeating "you don't love me anymore".

Then he cupped face and made me look straight into his eyes. I whimpered lightly as he wiped my tears.

"Never say that again. I will never stop loving you wife. And why on earth will you think I'm seeing someone else? I'll never ever look at any other woman like I look at you.

The next girl I'm gonna say 'I love you' will be our daughter" he said, caressing my cheeks. I instantly brighten up at his words and gave him a big smile.

"Then why were you late?" I asked slowly.
"You said you wanted to eat brownies. So I stopped at Bella's shop to brought some"
"Oh yes I did" I mumbled as realization hit me.
"Now tell me why all of a sudden this stupid thoughts entered this pretty little head?"
"I thought you... You don't want me anymore. Because I'm ....fat"
"Love, you aren't fat. You are carrying my baby. You are the most beautiful woman on this earth, baby. Please never think so low of you again".

Then he kissed me and pulled me into a hug. I placed my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

After few moments, I peeked up at him and timidly asked, "Can I have the brownies?"
He chuckled and pulled me into a kiss again, mumbling "You are perfect" into my lips.


Next morning Anna and Bella came to my house and started talking about my baby shower. Since I was on my 8th month, they said they have to hurry before 'the baby popes out'.

When we checked the gender of our baby we were delighted to find it was a girl. Lucifer was at the top of the world thinking about a little me in his arms. Our baby is not even born yet but I know she have her dada wrapped around her pinky finger.

Finally Bella and Anna decided the party should be for tomorrow. They are more excited about it then me. I smiled looking at both of them talk.
Soon Amy came and joined both of them.

I asked them to stay for lunch but they were all excited about the baby shower, that they left early for shopping. I eat my lunch and went inside our bedroom for a short nap.

I was woken up by feet cramps. I winched and tried to sit up but a pair of hands stopped me. I opened my eyes and saw Lucifer already taking my foots on his lap and slowly massaging them.

I relaxed after some time. I smiled at him and thanked him. He kissed my baby bump before kissing me.

I told him about tomorrow's party as we eat dinner together. Then we watched a movie together. He then helped me taking a bath before dozing off again.

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