Chapter 32

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I woke up when I felt someone lightly shaking me. I tried hard to stay asleep but that person was not stopping. I whined and opened my left eye slightly to look at the culprit.

"Mommy....mommy.... Its me. Wake up. Mommy" Taysa whispered near my ear.

Seeing her I become worried and turned towards her. I placed my hand on her forehead and her neck, checking if she was okay.

When I found she was completely fine, my sleepiness returned and I groaned slowly.

"Good morning sunshine. What is it baby? Why are you up so early? Go now and sleep" I said slowly drifting off to sleep.

She shook me again and whined in her baby voice.
"But mommy you have to get up. We have to make cake. Wake up mommy. Wake up"

I again opened my one eye and frowned at her thinking about what she was talking about.

'Cake? What cake?.......OH MY GOD!!! CAKE!!'

I jumped sitting up. Taysa giggled lowly and tugged my hand. I kissed her thank you and look at the digital clock.

'Dang it. I forgot to put alarm'

But still it wasn't that late. Well, today is our 4th wedding anniversary. Taysa is now 3 years old. It was me who planned the whole baking thing with my daughter and I was the one who forgot.

Last night was no different. Lucifer made love to me till I was exhausted to hell.

I looked at him and saw him sleeping peacefully. His hair was messed up as he laid on his stomach, facing me. I smiled and kissed his forehead before getting off the bed. I quickly took one shower after bathing Taysa and got dressed.

Taysa was more excited than me. She giggled and skipped towards the kitchen, making my heart skip a beat.

Once I reached her, I scolded her for running so recklessly. She only smiled sheepishly and kissed my lips before wearing her small apron. The apron was a gift from Bella as she knew my daughter will love baking. It was a set of two. One for my daughter and other one for me.

I smiled at her and hurriedly got to work. We were staying on our second house, the one where we celebrated our birthday, so there was no Amy for help. Maids were available but I requested them not to work the days we stay here.

Soon me and my daughter placed the sweet treat inside the oven to bake. Taysa was giggled as I teased her.

"Mommy can we go to the park?" She asked as her eyes shined in hope. I smiled and nodded my head and kissed her.


We both turned towards the oven as excitement danced through our eyes.
I took out the cake carefully and placed it on the dining table. Taysa was already standing on one of the chair and was clapping her hand.

It was time for icing and we both loved this part. I brought the icing tube and soon we draw our creative designs on the cake.

After a messy session of icing, I placed Taysa on my hip and went to sink to wash her hands. She only giggled and start licking the remaining icing from the spoon. I laughed at her and took the spatula and start licking like her.

We stopped when we heard a throat clearing. I turned my head towards the doorframe and blushed hard when I saw my husband standing there, looking extremely sexy with wet hairs, smiling at us.

Taysa jumped down my hold and ran towards him, screaming "Dada Dada"

He picked her up swiftly and kissed her. "Good morning sunshine". He walked towards me and placed a kiss on my lips. Taysa whined from Lucifer's hold as soon as he placed his lips on mine. To tease her, he kept kissing me while I smiled into the kiss.

"No no no" she whined and pushed me away. I pulled away laughing. She leaned towards me and kissed me on my lips before turning to Lucifer and wrapping her hands around his neck.
We both laughed at her behaviour and soon she joined too.

"Dada, we have surfhries for you" she said.
"It's surprise baby" I corrected her and she nods her head in agreement.

She pointed Lucifer towards the dining table and he made his way to it. He sat down before settling Taysa on his lap. I brought the cake and placed it before them. Taysa clapped her hand in happiness.

They both cut the cake as I clicked some photos for Taysa's album. Lucifer gave the first piece to her and then to me. I kissed him lightly on lips whispering "happy anniversary".

We all came and sat down on the living room sofa after having breakfast. Taysa was cuddling to me as she watched " Zootopia". Lucifer was talking on phone while we both, mother and daughter, paid our whole attention to the movie.

"Do you want a return gift sunshine?" Lucifer said. Hearing this, Taysa turned her head towards him and tilted her head in confusion.

'Yeah. She does that. Just like me'

Lucifer laughed when she nodded her head.
"Close your eyes" he said softly.
"But Dada..." She whined but squeeze her eyes close at last.
"No peeking?"
"No pweeking"

Suddenly I felt a warm breath on my back neck.
"Close you eyes" he whispered huskily in my ear. A delicious shiver ran down my back and I gasped. I placed both my hands above my eyes.
"No peeking" he again whispered, this time slightly kissing my neck. No words escaped my mouth so I nod my head.

He chuckled and gave me a final suck on neck. I tried my best to stop the moan. Then I heard him getting up and moving away.

Minutes later he said to open our eyes. I removed my hands from my eyes and saw him holding a basket. He knelt down in front of Taysa. A very loud gasp plus squeal escaped her mouth.

Inside the basket, there was a golden retriever puppy present. I was very Happy but Taysa was on top of the world. She looked at Lucifer with wide round eyes, asking for permission. He nod his head while smiling encouragingly. Lucifer placed the puppy down on the floor and Taysa crouched down beside him.

"Hello puppy. I'm Taysa Knight. What is you nwame?"
"You have to name him sunshine" I said, eyeing them in aw. She clapped her and petted the puppy.
"I will name him Nick"
"That's a very good name baby"

After that, it was hard to separate Taysa from nick. She refused to leave his side for a single moment. At last she fell asleep besides him while playing.

Later at night, we went to a family dinner and invited our friends too. Taysa was telling them about the puppy and they listen to every word she said. Bella announced that she was pregnant, which made the evening more delightful.

"One down. Two to go" Sebastian said smiling goofily, referring to their baby.

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