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 Their lives should have returned to normal after the events of Friday night. The big, bad wolf had been defeated by none other than Derek Hale, and Kate Argent was officially gone from their lives. Beacon Hills was once again a safe town. At least that's how it should have been but as Hollis Griffin stared at the empty hospital room in disbelief, she knew that "normal" would never be an adjective used to describe her life. Or that of her friends' lives.

She shook her head as a heavy sigh escaped her lips. How Lydia Martin simply vanished into thin air, in a busy hospital nonetheless, was a mystery to everyone. Herself included. Tentatively, Hollis took a step forward into the room. Her eyes took in the rumpled bed, the half-open bathroom door with the light peaking out and the window, where the afternoon was turning to dusk.

"Where are you, Lyd?" Hollis whispered softly.

"We'll find her," a voice said to her right, jostling her out of her worried mind.

Stiles smiled reassuringly, easing some of the doubt from her mind. They had been through much worse and, together, they had made it to the other side. If the last few weeks were any indication of anything, it was that. Still, her best friend was gone without a trace, and she worried for her safety as Lydia had already been injured once before.

"I know but...," she trailed off, a frown on her face as her eyes took in the room once more. "I just don't get how this happened. Lydia was right here a few hours ago. She was fine when I left her. How is this possible?"

Stiles shrugged in reply, just as confused. "That's what we're trying to figure out. All anyone knows is that she left through the window."

Her eyes flickered to the glass, which she now noticed was open a crack. The chilly air breezed in, sending an involuntary shiver through her. She pulled her jacket tighter around her as if for protection and reassurance but it did little to make her feel better. She turned towards Stiles, concern flickering across her face as a thought entered her mind.

"How do we know she just left? Wh-what if someone took her?" She voiced her worry and glanced at Stiles to see a series of emotions pass his face. "Or something." The last word was a whisper, a shiver passing over her at the possibility of new danger lurking in the shadows.

He shook his head, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Peter's gone, Hollis. It's over. Nothing can hurt her," he explained soothingly. "Maybe she got sick of the hospital and decided to check herself out."

Hollis considered his words but doubt seeped in at his explanation.

"Knowing Lydia, she's probably maxing out her credit card at the mall right now," he added with a smile.

"I - I don't know." Hollis sucked in a deep breath then let it out slowly. "But there's one way to find out," she added as an idea washed over her. Pulling her grasp free, she dug her phone out of her pocket then dialed Lydia's number. Please answer, she thought repetitively as the line rang once before a soft, tinkling melody filled the small room.

Hollis glanced in the general direction of the sound and dread settled into her stomach as she walked towards the beside table. The ringing grew louder as she opened the drawer, and she stared at the glowing screen with her name displayed across it. With a frustrated sigh, she grabbed the phone and ended the call. She stood there silently, unmoving.

Stiles took a step towards her though his own steps were uneasy. "It'll be okay. This doesn't mean anything bad happened."

Hollis whirled around, the panic engulfing her as his words sunk in. "Yes, it does! Lydia wouldn't leave without her phone. Not willingly, anyway."

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