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Scott's a werewolf. The supernatural is real.

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Hollis Griffin has been through hell and back. The night of the fatal accident was only the tipping point of just how much her life would change. The loss of her parents brought the unexpected return of her biological dad, who she wanted nothing to do with. And with good reason. She couldn't overlook the fact that he walked out on their family six years ago and then returned as if nothing happened, trying to pick up where he left off. To say that their relationship was rocky was an understatement, and it took a while for them to fix their father/daughter relationship. However, Grant Griffin had his own skeletons that he tried to hide and those would be the ones that would tear their already broken relationship even further. 

Dealing with the loss of her parents and her dad's return, Hollis withdrew into herself. She wasn't ready to face the world but who would be after all that she had gone through? Lydia Martin was her rock throughout it all. While Lydia gently coaxed her into moving forward with her life, Carter Reese was a different story. Her boyfriend of two years, he had stood by patiently when everything first went down. As time went on and the summer came to a close, he grew impatient with Hollis. At one point, he called her grieving a "burden". Though he tried to take it back, Hollis wasn't willing to look the other way. Not again. 

As the new school year began, Hollis befriended Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. Little did she know that her already complicated life would turn even more complicated because of that friendship. When Scott first turned, Stiles did everything he could to protect Hollis. To keep her from the dangers of the supernatural world. But Hollis refused to be lied to, instead growing angry at him for constantly keeping her in the dark and covering up the truth with ridiculous lies. Ironically, it was Jackson Whittemore who told her the truth about Scott and the so-called mountain lion that was on the loose.

The truth (and the fact that Stiles kept it from her) broke their growing relationship. But not for long. Hollis soon forgave him under one condition: that she be allowed to help. With her new knowledge, she dove into the supernatural world of Beacon Hills. Slowly, she learned about werewolves and that led to her discovery about the Hale Fire from ten years ago. After meeting face-to-face with Peter Hale, she learned the grim truth about her dad; from is friendship with Peter to his betrayal, which led to the fire and the many deaths of the Hale family members.

Grant reluctantly filled her in on the rest of his past, clearly ashamed of the part he played. Because of his past, he prohibited her from being involved in the supernatural but Hollis refused to abandon her friends. Through all of Peter's threats, she did her best to help Scott and Stiles keep Lydia, Allison Argent and even Jackson safe. It was difficult, as she had to lie to her best friends the same way that she was lied to. It was hypocritical but she wanted them as far away from this life as possible. 

The Winter Formal quickly approached, and it was hard for Hollis to believe how fast the semester went by. With the dangers they had faced, it was supposed to be the one night where their life was normal. But, of course, that was short-lived. Not only did Peter's sudden appearance pose a threat to her friends but the night ended with Lydia being attacked.

With Lydia in the hospital, Hollis went with Stiles and Jackson to stop Peter from hurting anyone else. Though it was challenging, they were able to defeat him with the help of Scott, Allison and Derek. The cure that Scott had been longing for was right in front of him. All he had to do was kill Peter, and he would no longer be cursed with being a werewolf. Hollis thought that all their problems would finally be over. However, Derek's desire to be an Alpha outweighed Scott being cured and he quickly ended Peter's life himself.

The horrors of the night over and Scott stuck being a werewolf, Lydia remained their main priority. Though her wounds weren't fatal, they were serious. Did it mean she would become a werewolf or would she wake up oblivious to what happened?

• • • STAY TUNED • • •

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hey. hi. hello.

What you read above was a very basic recap of Touched by the Fear. If you haven't already read that book, I assure you that it's a lot better than the drabble I threw together. And if you haven't already read book one, I highly recommend you go read it or you will be slightly confused going onward. 

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