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"Are you sure you're ready, Lyd?" Hollis asked for about the dozenth time that morning. She stole a glance at her friend, who rolled her eyes in irritation. The question continued to surface despite the number of times Lydia reassured her she was fine. Hollis worried about her. How couldn't she? Her best friend had two near-death experiences in one week, so it wasn't easy to brush that aside. "Look, all I'm saying is that you've just been released from the hospital like two days ago. And after everything you've been through, I -"

"Hollis!" Lydia interrupted with an exasperated sigh. "I'm fine. I know you're worried but the doctor said I was ready to go back to school. And after being cooped up in that hospital room for days, I need to get out. So, stop. Please."

Hollis nodded sheepishly. The worry for her friends' well-being remained but she kept her mouth shut and buried her concern.

"Now," Lydia said, clasping her hands together as a smile appeared on her face. "Are we going in or what?" Not giving Hollis a chance to reply, she opened the car door and stepped out.

Like any other school day, students moved from the parking lot towards the entrance of the school. Each was absorbed in their conversations, their normal problems. Hollis couldn't help but envy them. After having fought her way into the supernatural club so to speak, her life grew more complicated and endangered each day. She had come to terms with it but now that it began to dig its claws into the lives of her friends, namely Lydia, it put her on edge.

Hollis stepped towards Lydia, adjusting the strap of her bag as she stared at the building before them. A shaky breath left her for reasons she couldn't quite place. Maybe it was having Lydia back or just the horrible memory of the events of the past few days.

"So," Hollis said, trying hard to match Lydia's jovial tone. "Ready to do this?" A moment passed in silence with no reply. "Lyd?" She turned to see Lydia standing perfectly still with lips parted and eyes transfixed on the school. "Hey, what's wrong?" She placed a comforting hand on her arm but got no response or reaction. She followed her gaze to the building, immediately understanding the hesitance that kept Lydia frozen in place.

Before she could utter a word of comfort, a familiar face fought its way through the crowd towards them. Allison stopped before them, excitement gracing her face at seeing the two of them. "There you guys are! I thought we were meeting at...." she trailed off as she caught both of their expressions. "What's going on? Is Lydia okay?"

Hollis opened her mouth and closed it, unsure of how to answer that. "I - She's...,"

"Fine," Lydia said shakily, surprising them both at having spoken. She regained her composure, shoving her true thoughts and emotions down before she plastered on her Lydia-Esque smile. The uncertain expressions on Hollis and Allison's faces only made the redhead roll her eyes. "I had a little moment of panic," she admitted, "but I'm perfectly fine. So, let's go."

Again, Lydia didn't wait for any sort of response. Instead, she strutted her way through the groups of students and towards the main entrance.

Hollis and Allison glanced at one another, both confused at her sudden recovery.

"Uhm, we should probably," Allison started and nodded towards Lydia's disappearing form.

"Yeah, definitely," Hollis agreed.

They hurried across the grounds and caught up to Lydia in a matter of seconds.

"Finally!" Lydia exclaimed, smiling as they neared the entrance. "I thought you two abandoned me."

"Of course we didn't. It's just that...well, you kind of, I mean," Allison rambled, struggling for words. She glanced at Hollis for help.

"I think what Ali's trying to say is that you kind of froze up back there." She ignored the irritated look that drifted across Lydia's face and plunged further into her explanation. "We're both worried, Lyd. Are you sure you're okay? You know you don't have to go back to school today if you're not ready."

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