Day 5, Friday: Enter Byakuran (Part 5)

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"Why is the Dame a Carnivore? Shouldn't he be worse than an herbivore?" Someone asks quietly.

"I will only say this once. He has the highest degree black-belt in every form of martial art known to man." Hibari says as he gets up and leaves the room. He can't stand being around all of these lowlifes.

"Well, if Dame Tsuna's so great, why don't we have him prove it? Why don't we have a one-on-one Kendo match? If he can beat me, a professional, than we may acknowledge hi-"

"Stop this." The students jump at this new voice. They look at the entrance of the dinning room and see a man with white hair. holding a bag of marshmallows.

"What did you just say about my Tsunayoshi Kun?"


The ex-students turn around to see an albino man with the bag of marshmallows almost crushed in his hand. Tsuna, upon hearing his name, snaps out of his stupor. He sees Byakuran and silently gulps, hoping that he doesn't do anything harmful to his classmates.

"Are you really going to make me repeat myself? What did you say about my Tsunayoshi Kun?" The temperature of the room drop a few degrees. Everyone sitting at the table immediately goes silent and cowers in fear.

"Nothing to say? What'll I have to do to get you to-" The man is kicked in the face by an odd baby in a fedora who seemingly came out of nowhere.

"Byakuran, how would you like to face my wrath?" The baby asks.

"I don't want to face your wrath Reborn Sama, I'm sorry!" Byakuran pleeds. Reborn smirks, he's still got it.

"Now what are you going to do?" He asks with the tone of a mother who had just finished disciplining her child.

"Leave these people alone and bring Tsunayoshi Kun to his office?" Byakuran says holding his bag of marshmallows sheepishly in front of his chest.

"Good. He should still have some paperwork left to finish on his desk." The baby steps off Byakuran's face and he rises from the ground slowly. There's not even a moment of hesitation as he nonchalantly walks over to Tsuna, grabs his hand and runs out of the room at top speed. Mukuro and Lambo follow suit, making way for five other people walk in.

"Oh, hello Reborn! I didn't know you were having guests? It's a pleasure to meet you all, my name's Bluebell! We're sorry for Byakuran Sama's behavior. He's very protective over Tsu San."

"Ciaossu Bluebell, welcome back to the mansion. If you wanna go bug Tsuna, he's on his way to his office with Byakuran. When you meet Sebastian along the way tell him to rejuvenate Tsuna's stack of paperwork."

"Yes sir Reborn sir!" Bluebell gives him a mock solute before heading off with the rest of their group.


"Is everything in place for Sunday? We can't waste this opportunity that we've been given! Vongola is hosting a personal event, and with the boss mingling, he won't be around his security."

"That makes kidnaping the target easier. We just need to be able to infiltrate without getting noticed."

"Don't get cocky! Just because this isn't a high profile event, doesn't mean that it'll be easy. We need to take every opportunity we can get, and never look the gift horse in the mouth when we get them."


As Tsuna walks down the hallway, a sudden headache comes on and hits him hard. He closes his eyes and rubs his temples, leaning on the wall for support.

"Are you okay Tsunayoshi Kun?" Byakuran asks, quickly walking over, putting a hand on Tsuna's shoulder. Tsunan waves his hand in Byakuran's direction.

"I'll be fine, just give me a minute." He says. "Something's going to happen, and it's going to happen soon."


"Ciaossu class 2-A of Nami-Chuu. Welcome to the Vongola Mansion, the main HQ for Vongola Corp. We have lots of activities planned out for all of you so you better come and enjoy them. It's only tradition for a Vongola Style Welcome." Reborn smirks. With his greeting, the mood of the room starts to improve as the students remember where they were. "Some of the activities we have planed for the evening are: a scavenger hunt, a trivia game and a small tour of your living quarters". The ex-students chatter quietly with excitement. Reborn's eye twitches, no one talks while Reborn is talking, unless they have a death wish. He sighs inwardly and lets this slide. He knows what's going to happen to these people in just a few short minutes. "Are there any questions?"

"What happened to Dame Tsuna? Is he coming back to enjoy the activities?"  One of the ex-students asks.

"If he can get his paperwork done I don't see why not." Reborn smirks. In reality, Tsuna had a metric shit ton of things to do. Reborn had purposely held back some paperwork to create a larger than life stack to keep him busy. He can't have Tsuna ruining his revenge plans.


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