8. | I Know Who I'm Looking At

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"Do you want anything to eat?" Chloe asked. We had been in her apartment all day, and it was about dinner time. "Yeah, I'm starving, what do you have?" I asked her, looking in the fridge. "Hayley and I need to get groceries, so we don't have much," she said, and I sighed. We hadn't really eaten since breakfast this morning, which seems years away. "Why'd you ask me if you knew there was barely anything to eat?" I laughed, pushing her playfully. 

"I was kind of hoping you'd say no," she laughed back, and she followed me back to the couch. I sat down and patted the spot next to me, and she rolled her eyes and laughed. As she was sitting down, I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me. "Gotcha!" I said like a child, hugging her to me, as she laughed. 

Hayley then walked in the door, and I quickly let go of Chloe, since I was scared it was my management or something. "Can you two get a room? I'm sure Harry can afford it," she said, walking to the kitchen with a few bags in her hand. "Are those groceries?" Chloe said hopefully as she got off of me and ran towards Hayley. I was upset. I liked it better when she was near me. Or on me. Whatever works.

"Yeah I picked up some food because we have shit all to eat in this house," Hayley complained. I laughed a little, and then my phone began to ring. I immediately answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Harry, you're good to come back to the hotel, just come through the back. We need to have a meeting and discuss your show tomorrow, and Chloe needs to come with you as well, we want to go over some ideas for the article with her, be here in thirty," Madison said over the phone. "Okay, thanks." I said, hanging up the phone. 

"Chloe, we have to go," I said, picking up my jacket. "Why me?" she asked, eating a handful of cereal. "Management wants to talk to you about the article," I said, and her face drooped. "I guess we have to go, Hayley," she said, turning to her best friend. "Okay, have fun, but not too much fun, and travel safe," Hayley said, hugging Chloe and extending a smile to me. I returned the smile and walked towards the door. 


"Why are meetings so long," Chloe said, exhausted, as we walked back to our rooms. "That one was especially brutal. Sorry you had to experience that," I laughed, and she shrugged. "It's all good. Want to hang out for awhile? I'm too tired to work, and I snagged some movies from home," she said, and I nodded my head. "Definitely. My room or yours?" I asked. "Yours, mine is much smaller and there's paper everywhere," she said. "You know we leave tomorrow, right?" I chuckled, going to open my room door. 

"Yeah, but I have all night," she said, and I just laughed and shook my head. I unlocked the door and we walked inside. As I walked into the living area of the room, I nearly fell over.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here? How the fuck...?" I questioned, and Chloe immediately began to wonder what I was talking about. She walked over to me, and froze completely. In front of both of us was Niall, Louis, and Liam, all playing the play station, as if they were ignoring our existence. "What are you guys doing?" I repeated, still in shock. 

They all turned around and smiled. "We all agreed it would be fun to meet up for a night and hang out. Hope it's not a problem," Niall smirked, walking past me to the kitchen to refill his water glass. I was kind of hoping to have some alone time with Chloe, but it looks like I won't be getting that. However, I decided to focus on the positive and not the negative, and be happy about the surprise visit from the lads. I went and hugged everyone, mustering the best smile I possibly could. I then turned back to Chloe who was still frozen. 

"Chloe, this is Niall, Liam, and Louis," I said, acting as if she didn't already know. "Harry, I know who I'm looking at. I'm just in shock," she said, and I laughed a little at her. They welcomed her to sit with them and she went towards the living room, while I walked over to the kitchen and began searching for food. I was still starving. 

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