32. | That Was Actually A Lie

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"Just relax Harry, everything is going to work out." The woman's voice said over the phone. "It has to be perfect. You have no idea. I want this to be the best trip she's ever been on. If everything isn't planned to a tee it'll be horrible." I probably sounded like a lunatic but I didn't care. Planning this trip for Chloe's birthday needed to go flawlessly. 

"Harry, I've been your travel agent for years. You just tell me what you want to do and where, and I'll have you booked in no time." my travel agent, Cassie, said. I nodded. "Okay, I'll phone you back with some more details." I said, when my producers walked into the room. "Okay Harry, take care." She said before hanging up. 

"How was the meeting?" I asked the producers. Judging by the looks on their faces, the answer was bad. "The label still won't budge. They don't want to give you a release date yet." Asher explained. "What the fuck? Why?" I asked, and they all looked at each other. "We'd tell you if we knew. But they just won't budge, H. We're trying. We played the album at the meeting and they all agree it's good, better than your last one even, but they just don't want to screw anything up." Asher tried to explain. "Screw what up?" I said, in a harsher tone than I expected. "They don't know if the fans will like it. If they release an album and they're unsure of the fan response, they could be losing a lot of money. And you know labels don't like to lose money." Asher said.

"I don't mean to sound arrogant here, but I'm me, and my fans love my music no matter what because they support and love me. They're going to like these songs." I said, trying not to sound like a complete dick. Asher nodded. "We get that, but we're not the label heads." Asher explained and I felt anger rise in me. I just wanted to share my music and I wanted to know why that was so hard. 


I fished for my spare key to Chloe and Hayley's apartment in my jacket pocket and pulled it out, unlocking the door in front of me. Niall and I both had spare keys now, but if you ask me, I don't think Niall needs one. 

I let myself into the apartment and crashed down on the couch. Their apartment was a lot closer to the studio than my house was, and after the day I'd had, all I wanted to do was fall asleep and snuggle into Chloe's side. But, she wasn't home right now, so sleeping alone would have to do. Just as I was about to dose off, I heard another presence enter the room and I jolted up. 

Hayley let out a scream and then clutched her stomach. "Harold," she started, making me laugh, "this is not fucking funny." She said, trying to catch her breath. "I thought someone broke in here or something. God." She walked into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. "Why are you home?" I asked her, resting my head on the top of the couch to look at her. 

"I didn't have any auditions today. My agent is trying to work out something for me right now." Hayley said, sipping her water. I nodded. "What is he lining up? Commercial?" I asked, and she shook her head. "No. A TV role." She stated proudly, walking into the living room. "Hayley! That's fantastic!" I said, high fiving her. "Thanks. It is pretty exciting." She smiled to herself.

"Have you seen Ryan lately?" I asked, and she nodded her head. "Yesterday, we had lunch." She said and I widened my eyes. "How come you didn't tell me?" I said, tilting my head to the side. "I told Chloe, I didn't know I was obligated to tell you." She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Hang on." I said, and I went into my messages and created a group chat between Niall, Chloe, Hayley and I and sent a quick message. 

Hey guys, I made this group chat so we can communicate about all the drama in our lives freely all the time. I'll go first: my day at the studio was shit and they won't release my album. Next?  - Harry

I glanced at Hayley who was looking at her phone. She rolled her eyes and looked at me. "Really Harry?" She muttered. "Oh, what was that? You're going to go next?" I smirked, and she rolled her eyes before she began typing. 

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