9. | Be in Love, or Whatever

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-2 Weeks Later-

Being on a separate bus was getting lonely. I was constantly feeling alone, or pressured into working. To be completely honest, I was dreading finishing the article. It would mean the end of my time with Harry and the end of touring around the country to promote his music. I loved being around him and I loved seeing so many new places. Soon, that wouldn't even exist anymore. And, to make things worse, I'm on my own bus now, completely isolated from him.

It actually hurts. Above anything, above the possible romance between us, or the tension I always feel walking beside him, since all I ever want to do is kiss him, we were friends. He had become such a great friend, hopefully a lifelong one at that as well, but I knew that soon enough things would no longer be this way and he'd just move along to the next major event in his life.

I sighed, turning on my phone to try and distract myself from my thoughts. It was six o'clock in the morning, and I was laying alone in my bunk on the moving bus. There was literally no one else on board except the driver, obviously. They told me it was all my space and to use as much or as little of it as I wanted. I guess I didn't clue into the fact that it was truly just an attempt to keep Harry and I from forming a closer bond, which is kind of rude, to be honest.

Suddenly, my phone began to ring, and Harry's name popped up on my screen. I answered it, not worried about waking anyone up since I wasn't around a single human being. "Hey," I said, and I could feel his smile through the phone. "What's up, girl?" he said in a silly tone. "Harold, please never talk like that again," I groaned, smacking myself in the face. He just chuckled through the line.

"So, I'm pissed," he said. "Are you?" I asked, trying not to laugh. His angry tone was kind of amusing. "Yeah, I am. I just fired half of my team, oh, and the next stop, the bus you're on is going to be wiped from existence, and you're coming back here. I'm lonely," he said, his tired British accent making me melt. Still, I was a bit shocked. "Half of your team?" I said in a surprised tone. "Yeah, haha, fun times," he laughed, and I was taken aback. "Harry, how are you so chill about this? Did you just like, kick them off the bus?" I asked, starting to get concerned.

Harry just laughed a little. "I payed for their flights home out of Toronto," he said, which I'm assuming was our next destination. I was kind of baffled. How can he be so chill with firing half of the people working for him? "Harry, I'm not really sure what to say. Weren't they just doing their job?" I asked, and he just scoffed at that. "By making me miserable? No thanks, I want to be happy," he said sweetly, and I felt myself blushing. Thank goodness he couldn't see.

"Are you blushing?" he asked, and I could practically hear his smirk. He knew me too damn well. "I might have been, but the moment's over, Styles," I teased him. "Well, I'm not worried, you're always blushing when you're around me," he stated, and I gasped dramatically. "As if! In your dreams," I retorted, but he only laughed. "Yeah, I probably make you probably blush in my dreams too, but it's better in real life," he said, and I just let out an obnoxious laugh.

"Harry Styles, are you flirting with me?" I said, a huge smile on my face. "I think so. I'm not really sure how though, I'm not really experienced when it comes to talking to girls," he said, and I just shook my head. "That's definitely a lie, the number of girlfriends you've had is larger than the number of years I've been alive," I joked, and he let out a dramatic gasp. "How dare you! It's far more than that," he pretended to be offended, and we both just laughed at his silliness.

"Hey, how much longer till we get to Toronto?" I asked, and he paused. "I have no idea. Probably in a few hours," he said. I groaned. "I like hotel rooms much better than this bus, especially the fact that I won't be alone," I said, and Harry agreed. "It's better when we can do random shit with each other at random times, even if we can't go far," he said, and then continued, "I've really enjoyed making all of these memories with you, Chloe," he said, and my heart began beating faster. His tone had changed from joking to serious.

A Day In The Life // H.S. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora