15. | Well, What do You Know for Sure?

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I slammed the car door and walked inside my empty house. Dinner was an absolute disaster. The girl was extremely superficial and ended up only wanting to talk about my fame and money. To say I was upset was an understatement. I thought that it would have been different, but it just ended up being what I'd hoped it wasn't. I threw my keys down on the kitchen island and collapsed on the couch. Sighing, I picked up my phone and dialled a familiar number. 

"Hello?" a tired voice answered on the other end of the line. "Lad, the date was horrible," I said tiredly. "I'm sorry to hear that, mate. Sometimes things just aren't supposed to work out. Can I just ask something though? Why did you even go? I thought you and Chloe had a thing going on," Niall asked, and my heart thumped in my chest. "I'm not entirely sure, Niall. Like, there's so many walls up between us. It's taking so much to get past those. Not to mention she's working for the magazine again," I admitted. "Oh, she got her job back? I have to text her!" Niall said excitedly. "Since when do you have her number?" I said, feeling a pang of jealously in my chest. "Since a few weeks ago when we all had breakfast together," he said casually. 

I shook it off and tried to focus on what I was going to do. "I kissed her yesterday," I told Niall and the line went silent. "You kissed her? Styles, you can't just run around kissing pretty girls and then go dating other ones," Niall said and I sighed. I knew that. "I know, I told her about the date too, I-" "You told her about the date, too? Styles, you idiot! Lad, what are you doing?" Niall said, and I could just imagine the disapproving look on his face right now. "Think I messed up?" I asked, and Niall laughed on the other end. 

"Of course you messed up. Harry, come on lad. Get your head on straight," Niall said, and I couldn't help but laugh at my friend's annoyed tone. He was right though, I made a mistake here. I shouldn't have gone on that date tonight. That's not where my heart is at. 


"Morning," Chloe mumbled as she walked into the recording studio with a laptop in hand. She was focused on whatever was on the screen. "Hey, morning," I said, looking over to her. Whenever she's wearing her little reporter getup my heartrate increases. The way her flowing skirt and black button up blouse shaped her made my heart pound in my chest. Not that long ago, she could have easily been mine, but I hadn't really even been paying attention, and I didn't realize that I wanted to be in a relationship with her. I'm not exactly a relationship kind of guy, since my job kind of prevents me from settling down with anyone. 

"If you stopped staring at me you'd probably get more work done," Chloe said, not even looking up from her laptop screen. She was right though. "What's got you all pissy this morning?" I asked, opening up my journal. She just shrugged. "How was that date?" she asked, finally looking away from the screen to meet my gaze. I tossed around the idea of telling her how horrible it was, but I decided that was too easy.

"It was extremely pleasant. She was lovely and provided excellent company," I lied straight through my teeth. I smiled brightly at Chloe and she rolled her eyes. "Of course she was," she said, with a certain lack of enthusiasm. I smirked at her apparent jealousy. "Jealous?" I asked, walking over to her. She shook her head. "Hardly." she looked me dead in the eye. I shrugged. "Your body language says otherwise," I said, sitting down beside her. 

"God, Harry, don't you have a song to record or something? I'm trying to work," Chloe said, and I just laughed. "I won't be taking her on another date though," I said, avoiding her question. She was suddenly interested again. "What? Why?" Chloe asked, closing her laptop. "Not my type, to be completely honest," I said, smiling at her sudden change in emotion. "Oh, that's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that," Chloe said. I raised my eyebrows at her. "Are you really though?" I teased before walking over to the recording booth. 

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