-Chapter 1-

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"I've already told you Chubs, that wasn't Lady Jane"
Kaira was currently sat on the ground making patterns in the mud with a stick whilst listening to her twin brother Liam and his best friend Chubs arguing.
"My blind ass could see from a mile away" he mumbled.
If you haven't already gathered Chubs is a green, in her opinion one of the smartest greens she had ever met, they have known him since our time in Caledonia and he helped us plan an escape for as many kids as Kaira and Liam could.
"C'mon, we have to go!" she frantically ushered as many people out to the gate as possible. As Kaira ran to the gate she smiled as she saw a sea of greens, blue and yellows.
She pushed my way to the front of the gate ready to help Liam bring it down, suddenly she heard gunshots and that's when she knew it was game time.
"Liam, Now!"
Both of them raised their hands and strained to get the gate open, after a moment it crashed onto the ground.
The kids all sprinted in every direction, we were like birds being let fly for the first time. Kaira scanned around looking for Liam, she knew he'd try and help as many people out, soon she saw him emerge with a little girl on his back she couldn't have been more than 12 .
"Kaira, run'" she heard him shout, she looked to my left and saw a familiar face: Chubs, she grabbed him quickly and they sprinted into the forest with Liam and the little girl close behind.
*flashback over*
she suddenly snapped back into reality, and still found Liam and Chubs arguing.
"Hey! We gotta go, we've left Zu for a while, we should head back"
They both turned to face her for the first time since they started arguing, almost like they'd only realised that she was there at that moment.
They both nodded their heads in agreement and they set off back to the van.
As Kaira saw the van come into view she broke into a slow jog, leaving her brother and Chubs to argue some more, reaching the door she opened it and climbed inside.
"Did you find some good stu-"
She was interrupted by a shout "Ruby!"
She stared wide-eyed at Liam, who now occupied the drivers seat, running the possibilities of what it could be in her head, her mind was whirring. Chubs got the conclusion faster, of course.
"What are we waiting for?, Go!"
Liam jumped into action, slamming on the accelerator we all jolted.
"Who the hell is Ruby?" Kaira wondered aloud
Then a girl about her age emerged from the pale blue blanket, panic written all across her face.
"I'm Ruby" she stated.
Once again we were all thrown forward as Liam slammed on the brakes, once we came to a stop four pairs of eyes stared at the girl , she was dark-skinned and had chocolate brown eyes, she was wearing a bright red jumper and blue jeans- she didn't look like she came from the camp, so where did she come from?
"Ruby Daly"
A million and one question passed through her head. She carried on talking
"Don't worry, I'm a Green I'm not a threat"
Kaira looked at her warily, like hell she was.
"Wait you came from the camps?' Liam spoke up gesturing to her shoes. She only just noticed that she was wearing the shoes that are issued at the camp.
"Please let me go I'm leaving" she tried pulling at the door but it wouldn't budge. Liam had locked it.
"You heard her Liam, let her out" Chubs frantically said.
"You aren't going anywhere" He looked to me for confirmation. Kaira looked around at the faces staring at me. Chubs looked annoyed, Zu excited and Ruby helpless. She gave the slightest nod to Liam as he started to drive again.
"Sit down" she motioned her to sit. She still stayed standing "Look you're probably going to be here for a while, you might as well sit"
She finally took a seat across from me.
"Who- What- How are you here?" She directed the questions toward me.
"I'm Kaira, this is Zu, Liam and Chubs" as she motioned to each of them
"It's Charles to you" he cut in the annoyance clear in his voice
"There was a little beef about that a while back, ain't that right Zu?"Liam butted in
When Zu didn't reply he turned to her. "Zu?" She was staring forward, Kaira followed her line of sight, her eyes widening as she saw Lady Jane's Gold car.
"Shit! Liam step on it"
"Man I told you I saw Lady Jane and you shut down my green ass"
Kaira ran to the back of the van and pushed the doors open and came face to face with Lady Jane, she gave her a sarcastic wave and then flipped her off.
She made the tree bark break off and onto her windscreen trying to block her view. Out of nowhere a black car came up behind and rammed Lady Jane and the gun in her hand was thrown to the edge of the road. But she wasn't giving up that easily, soon she had taken out another gun, she was trying to fire at our wheels. Kaira threw both of her hands up and strained as a lot more bark than before clouded her windscreen, with one final ram form the black SUV behind us, she slid off of the road.Good Riddance. Next she had to deal with this black SUV, which she had assumed to be the league.
"I couldn't let you have all the fun" a deep voice shouted from beside me.
Not even waiting for a reply from his sister Liam turned to Ruby who was now driving.
"Whatever you do don't stop driving" He shouted over the wind
Liam and Kaira worked together to raise the roads in hope that they wouldn't be able to travel along it anymore.
"Tree!" she gasped, Liam barely heard her as the idea was swept away with the roaring wind.
"Chubs!, a little help?" she shouted over the wind. He grabbed onto our clothes as we threw our hands up and strained to knock a tree over, it came down with a crash and the black car came speeding to a halt.
She felt exhausted, gasping for air trying to regain my strength.
"Good thinking Kai" Liam said form the front of the van
"What can I say? the league trained me well" she stated, the venom evident in her voice.

A/N- The first chapter is finished!! I hope you like it, please give me feedback if you have any!

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