-Chapter 2-

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I sat on the hood of the van staring intensely at the open field, whilst Liam changed a tire and Chubs was in the other side on the hood , studying a map.
"Do you guys even know where you are?"
"Don't look so scared, Chubs is a math expert"
"I'm green so all maps make sense to me"
This was all just background noise, the thoughts in my head flowing like a wave pool.
"So does theoretical physics, existentialism according to Thoreau, speed chess, artificial intelligence"
"In short the kid is smart" Liam cuts off Chubs rambling
I jumped off the hood and went to stand next to Chubs, "you think I rock these geeky ass coke bottle glasses for show?"
My presence was made away as I let out a small laugh at the comment Chubs made.
"Plus I'm smart enough to know no one give a crap about greens', I frowned as Chubs turned to Ruby.
"So enlighten me, why the the hell would the league go through all this trouble just for you? What makes you so special?
Liam jumped to Ruby's defence, he sounded tired "Chubs leave her alone"
But he continued, the green in him pushing for an explanation from the brown eyed girl
"If we're going to be stuck with her, we need to know"
Ruby cuts in, " you're not going to be stuck with me"
We all stare at her incredulously, she carried on "I'm going home"
Liam quickly got up as she started to walk away, "where's home?"
"Salem, Virginia" she called over her shoulder.
Liam put his hand out, harnessing the blue power to stop her from moving, she resisted against his hold.
"Hey!" She turned around, the tone in her voice accusing.
"What are you going to do? Walk to the highway and hitchhike?" Answering his own question
"You'll be nagged by a tracer, and back at camp in time for bed"
"A tracer?" She looked confused now, didn't she know what tracers were?. Of course not, she came from the camps.
"Bounty Hunter" me and Chubs stated at the same time, he stood next to Liam, whilst I took a seat on the back of the van.
I carried on, Chubs trusting me with the explanation, "Like that crazy Lady Jane who nearly smoked out ass back there?"
Chubs cut in, "Man for a green she takes a while to catch up"
"You should come with us" Liam stated as he ignored the comment and tried to convince Ruby to stay.
"We're going to East River"
My eyes widened as Liam gave Ruby the only lead we had, a frowned became etched upon my face in disagreement.
Chubs tried to protest but Liam shook him off and carried on, "supposedly it's this huge compound, where children live together on the outside" my frown became deeper as he have her more information. "Food, a place to stay, it's safe. The slip kids in charge."
"Who?" Ruby questioned, confused once again.
Liam provided an explanation " nobody knows who he really is, he got the name because he skipped custody four times" he trailed off, I could see him debating whether to give her more information.
"Liam" My voice full of warning, he turned to glance at me before carrying on
"Supposedly he's an orange"
For pity sake Liam, all the information that we have and you go and tell it to a random girl that we haven't even known a day? Great.
"Nice Liam, you want to tell her your shoe size, or favourite animal whilst you're at it?" He digged at Liam sarcastically.
A soft knock was placed against the van as Zu held up twinkies, effectively stopping us from arguing.Sweet, literally.
"Dinner? Sweet, it's literally sweet" Chubs commented, echoing my thoughts. We placed ourselves in the blanket and I sat beside Zu, I pulled her closer and she leaned her head on my shoulder. Weaving my hands through her hair, Liam and Ruby came to join us, Zu held up a fork and Ruby gratefully took it and we all smiled at each other, everything was well. For now.
It was dark as we travelled to the nearest motel,Ruby and Liam occupied the front seats as Chubs, Zu and I leaned against them.
"If the league was protecting us from the tracer who was shooting at us, what makes them so bad?" She questioned argumentatively
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Chubs replied laughing at his own idea,
"Like that would work"
"The women that I met risked a lot to get me out" she pushed her argument further.
"And let me guess" I started shutting her down " she promised that she look after you? That you'd be safe? Bullshit. They're almost as bad as the camps, rounding up kids telling them what to do, abusing their powers. You're telling us that this shitty lady kidnapped you and because she seemed nice you think that she's all right?" I took a breath calming myself before mumbling "I'm going to lay down"
Chubs glanced at me sympathetically, he knew what went on in the league, the stories that me and Liam told, they were never good.
They carried on there argument as I draped a blanket over myself and lay in the bean bag at the corner of the van, I could still make out what they were say, arguing with Ruby's points in my head as to why she thought she could trust them.
"You don't want help from the league" Liam's raised voice prompted me to sit up and listen more intensely, but the argument diffused ad Ruby had nothing more to say.
Chubs took this opportunity to get Zu started on math class, I hurled myself up and went to perch myself diagonally across from Liam and directly behind Ruby,so he could see me in the corner of his eye.
"Listen my brother joined the league first, and he's always right so we joined too" he motioned to me and Ruby turned to glance at me, only then realising that I had moved.
"They just made us so many promises, taught us how to use our powers, at first in little things like dummies and stuff. Then they show us how to break an arm, I didn't sign up to be a soldier so I left, Kaira a couple of weeks after me"
I quietly spoke, "Our brother, Cole, he stayed and he's probably there now, but we would rather die before we go back"
"They're fighting war, doesn't that require them to be strong?" Ruby asked
"Strong? Yes. Cruel and reckless? No, leave that to the government."
"There was nothing cruel about what she did" Ruby pushed further, defending the league "She rescued me, she saved my life"
Liam had had enough. "For what?!"
"I don't know, I don't know what's going on, but for the first time in six years, someone was nice to me, so I'm just saying my experience is a little different from yours"
"So why'd you runaway from her then?"
She looked down not knowing the answer.
"The league is not your friend okay?" I touched her shoulder softly " you made the right choice"
"Trust us"
"Why should I trust you? She challenged
"Look, I don't care if you trust us or not but you're going to learn that the only people that can help us, are us"
hey hey hey is this okay? because I'm trying to edit it this and i don't know what y'all think so if you think it is trash then I'm sorry but if y'all kinda like then tytyty

Hope y'all are having a good summer!

•Colourless-The Darkest Minds•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें