-Chapter 3-

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Later in the day, the van was parked at the entrance to a mall. As the other was gathering the bags they needed for the supply run she was left alone to her thoughts. She reflected upon everything, she did this often, finding comfort in replaying things that had happened.
She punched the bag repeatedly. Harder and harder each time, every punch fuelled with the determination to prove herself. Sweat dripped down her spine, over the cuts and bruises she had gained whilst training. She was in a steady flow of raging pure anger that she had allowed herself to be succumbed by when a boy came over to her and offered her a bottle of water. She was surprised, to say the least, the majority of people left her alone as most had the common sense to know why.

She glanced up sparingly up at him, she took in his appearance: he had dark skin with his head supporting a buzz cut (thanks to the league) and was about half a foot taller than her. She had seen him around and had concluded that he finally gained enough balls to come and talk to her.
"You look as though you need it" he started boldly
She glared at him but took the bottle anyway as she sat at the edge of the boxing ring which was beside her.
He started the conversation again, hoping that the brunette would answer.
"I don't think I have ever seen you miss a day of training, are you that driven to go out on real missions?"
At that moment Kaira thought about what she wanted. Did she want to be another one of the league's lap dogs? to run missions and bring back intel? or did she want to go against them?
Her mind took over, suddenly piecing together what the league was doing: they were being made into child soldiers, to gather up more of them so they could be put into the same system she was in right now. it was a vicious circle.
she finally gave the boy an answer.
"I guess, or maybe I just want to train myself to excel when I get out of here"
he looked taken aback but slowly a smile crept upon his face.
"Mike" he stated out of nowhere.
"Kaira" she returned already knowing he was introducing himself.

This was the start of something, a friendship inside of the league that Kaira wanted to keep, even when she inevitably left.
She hadn't seen Mike since she had departed from the league, no doubt he had left shortly after she did as she came to learn that he hated the league just as much as she did. She hoped that he was safe an that they would meet again soon. She shared something with Mike that she hoped he wouldn't tell a soul. She trusted him.

"You coming?" Chubs called, abruptly pulling her out of thought.
She rose up off the hood of the van and follow behind the group. Baseball bat in hand and her feet advancing, poised upon the gravel that led to the entrance. They entered the dark building, she could make out the lights that were strung on the roof and a tall pillar that as overgrown with foliage.
"Would you do the honours?" Liam asked turning to Zu.
She reached out to the light switch that Kaira had just noticed, her powers honed in as the slightest brush of her skin against the box caused the whole room to be illuminated, almost blindingly.
"Let's go shopping" Chubs exclaimed.

For the next 30 minutes, the group spent time sorting through everything that they were coming across. Naturally, Kaira drifted away from the group. For the first time in a while, heat rose in her hands and her eyes flashed red. She was losing control. Which was momentarily confusing for Kaira as she thought that with the leagues training her control was more than impeccable, but she soon realised why. She quickly whipped her body around, she subconsciously detected danger.
Soon enough, Ruby and Liam both came soaring around the mall their shrieks and grunts echoing around. Her eyes scanned the mall looking for the culprits or culprits. Not even a second later she found two, both were on the first floor which was a good 25 feet from where she was standing.
She readied herself before sprinting to the wall which if you looked up you'd see one of the figures. She struck her hands forcefully to the ground using her telekinesis to power herself up.
The masked figure didn't even see the fist that was flying at their face coming. She wasted no time in landing blow after blow to knock then unconscious so they would release their grip on Liam and Ruby.
As she punched her hand began to heat once again, her punches scorching the figure.
Once she knew they weren't getting back up she turned in the next one, grabbed her bat that was attached to her back. She resorted in a weapon not trusting her on flaming fists.
Kaira lowered her bat at the familiar voice. Liam sprinted to her, grabbing her arm as Chubs, Zu, Ruby and two other people came closer.
She took a step back as the two unnamed young adults rushed towards their companions to check if they were okay.
"What the hell Kaira?!" Liam exclaimed, giving her a pointed look. He knew exactly what had gone on.
"Not now" She quietened him.
After the two figures she beat up was off the ground the four strangers turned to look at them.
"You could have been tracers" one of the boys explained. He was a ginger-haired boy who seemed to be the 'leader' of the group.
"Bet you wished we were" Kaira resorted icily, her hands balled into fists.
"We are here for supplies, we aren't looking for trouble" Liam stated as he stepped in-front of Kaira.
"Look" the boy began "No hard feelings, we're sorry" he directed patronisingly towards the group.
Kaira didn't know what was wrong with her, everything suddenly began to annoy her. The tone of his voice, the way Liam stepped in-front of her and hell even the way the air moved. She felt electricity crackle up her spine but she pushed it forcefully back down, her self control winning for now.
"We will give you some food and you can sleep here tonight"
"What" one of the boys who she had beaten, hissed at the leader.
"But only tonight" he finished, shushing the boy.
Kaira didn't listen to what was said after that, she had stalked off into a corner of the mall to figure out what the hell was going on with her.

Hello! It's been a while :)) I apologise for not updating, life's been busy. For now, I will have a lot of time on my hands so why not finish this book since it has 5k read! (which is absolutely amazing btw, so thank you guys so much!)
Stay safe and healthy,
~Morgan :))

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