-Chapter 5-

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The low hum of the engine was always calming to Kaira, it was constant. It was steady.
They had decided to drop Ruby off at her home in Salem, Virginia as they knew that as soon as she had joined the group she wanted to go back home.
It was around midday when they slowly pulled to a stop under a bridge, they were nice and covered so if the off chance arose of somebody peering around then they wouldn't see them. Liam put the van in park and looked over to his twin.
His eyes cast upon her long dark mane,much different to his own blonde one. He glanced at the scar on her forehead, memories from Caledonia slowly seeping into his mind.

They were teenagers. Around 14-15, Liam looked over to Kaira as they were seated on a school bus which was transporting them to god know where. Her face was emotionless as her eyes flickered, following the trees as they were travelling past them. At that moment he wondered what she was thinking about, home?, their family? where they were taking them? but he soon realised that with a  clenched jaw and hard eyes she supported that she was trying to find a way out.
Soon enough the bus pulled to a stop. Two men dressed in all black clambered on the bus with intimidating looking guns, Kaira's eyes were already locked on to them. They got off of the bus with the rest of the children that had been seated with them, the soldier ordering them to briskly walk single file. Liam walked behind Kaira watching her every move, at times like this Liam knew his sister wouldn't go down without a fight. He was right.
A solider walked right by Liam before passing Kaira. Liam watched as she took the chance, jumping into action she swung her fist at the man's face catching him off guard. She yanked the gun out his hand and trained it on him, this was met with 20 soldiers all training their guns at her head. She knew that if she shot then she would also have the same consequence. But instead of shooting the guns emitted a deafening white noise, she fell to the ground beside Liam clutching her head in pain. Once the white noise stopped she was hurled up onto her feet and hit on the head with the muzzle of the gun, she quickly got to her feet ready to retaliate but was soon dragged away towards a doctor.

Once they all had left the van they congregated around the hood, turning to face Ruby.

" Are you sure about this?" Liam questioned Ruby, making sure she really wanted to go back home.
"Yeah" She answered almost immediately, then taking a second to think about it she shook her head.
"No" she breathed.
In response Zu came over to Ruby and wrapped her arms around her waist, looking up to her almost pleading her to stay.
Kaira, Chubs and Liam all shared a look of concern, before Liam stood up off of the van and turning to her.
"So if your parents are there, i guess- i guess this is it" He spoke sadly.
"I guess we will see" Ruby replied, her eyes casting downwards.
Liam stood up fully now, he took her hoodie strings into his hands adjusting them before rubbing her shoulders and saying "Don't take any candy from strangers".
"Thank you" Ruby said, her emotions conveying thankfulness towards the group.
Her eyes cast upon Kaira, a small smile graced her lips and her efforts of a goodbye was returned with a meaningful nod.
"Bye" Ruby waved to the group, turning hesitantly and walking out from under the bridge.
When Ruby was about 100 metres away, Liam followed.
"Liam, don't" Kaira voiced her concerned,not wanting her brother to interfere with Ruby and her family's reunion. He ignored her warning and walked after Ruby.
Kaira deciding not follow her idiotic brother, ventured to the top of the bridge and waited for his return (with or without Ruby), leaving Chubs and Zu in the van.
Her legs dangling from the top of the bridge, her mind pulled her into a flurry of memories

Kaira, Liam and Cole were sitting around a campfire in their backyard, marshmallows skewered neatly on a stick whilst the flames licked at them, slowly turning them soft.
"What do you think will happen?" Kaira enquired, looking at her eldest brother.
People in her class has started to die. One by one, day by day. The first was Max Heath, he was an insufferable boy who always turned the colouring markers to stubs, but that didn't matter now. Not after Kaira had seen the look on his parents faces when they came to the school.
She'd would give anything to have him break another one of her favourite coloured markers: purple.
Cole studied his younger sister, only two years older than her, he didn't have a clue what was going on either. But decided to answer as best as he could.
"I don't know Kai, but what i do know is that we are strong and we don't need to worry"
Kaira prayed and prayed that this would be true, that nothing would happen to her and her brothers. They would live normally: Cole playing football for his team and winning the league that summer and Liam and Kaira would make the baseball team, having practiced hard after school everyday.

The baseball team tryouts didn't even get close.

Kaira remembers the Tuesday night they came. In large yellow suits for protection, protection from them.  Her and Liam were sat in the living room playing checkers, a favourite pass time for the twins, when bright fluorescent van lights illuminated the mantelpiece where pictures of their family stood. Their Mother rushed into the living room, their Father not close behind.
"quickly, quickly! Liam, Kaira go and grab a bag. Anything you need. Tell Cole to do the same!" Their Mother had never sounded so panicked, the time of her voice sent a storm into Kaira's stomach one that willed her to live quickly.
Doing what her Mother has instructed, she shouted to Cole from across the hall what was expected off him.
Her black bag was already on her bed thanks to Liam, who was already packing his things, shoving everything he could into a bag much like Kaira's own.
In less than an minute Kaira was running down the hallway with her brothers, towards the staircase.
"No! No! MY BABIES RUN" The screams her mother let out were guttural, it flew Kaira into panic.
She could see from the top of the stairs her father trying to block the path of the strange men in yellow suits, and her mother being restrained by some more.
Kaira instinctively took one look at the scene, grabbed her brothers and ran. They ran into Liam and Kaira's bedroom and barricaded the door using a chest of drawers.
"What do they want" Liam bellowed, the commotion downstairs hadn't stopped and the screams of their mother could still be heard.
"Us" Cole answered "It's because we are different, we've had the virus, and now we are different. I'm different"
Just as Cole finished the sentences his eyes bloomed red, flames started to lick their way up his arms.
All the twins could do was watch in horror.
Then it came. It was a chain reaction.
Liam's eyes. Blue.
Kaira's eyes. Blue.
The twins looked at each-other in wonder. Wide eyed they turned to their older brother, who was now pushing against the chest of drawers. All flames diminished.
"Move!" Kaira ordered.
Cole began to protest, until he looked at the change on his sisters eyes. He stepped away.
Yellow men burst in, Kaira counted six of them before throwing both hands up in defensive.
The men went flying backwards, through the bedroom wall and into the hallway. Using this time, Liam grabbed his sister and ran past them with Cole not far behind.
They ran down the stairs, safety of the outside within reach.
Cole, now being the first one near the front door, grabbed the handle and swung.
Yellow men.
At least 20 greeted them, they turned back, only to see the ones blasted through the wall, reaching their hands out to grab a hold on them.
A hold they got.
Blue, the tags they now wore read.
They were taken to a bus, a school bus to be exact.
Shoved into her seat, Kaira took a look around, Liam was on the seat across from her.
Cole was nowhere to be found.

From a distance Kaira could see Liam returning, but by his side was Ruby. She stood up and brushed herself from any dirt her pants may have picked up and began to walk off the bridge, towards the van.
Kaira wondered what must have happened for Ruby ti come back with Liam, surely she wanted to stay with her parents?
Rounding the corner for the entrance of the bridge she saw Chubs and Zu.
They were tied up.
Before she could even call out for them, she came face to face with someone she certainly didn't have time for right now
Lady Jane.

hello it's been a while! or more than that. i am SO sorry that i haven't updated this in forever i've had no motivation or even time! i've started my dream job! so i hope you can understand :)
- morgan

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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